Saturday, June 9, 2007


Weigh In: NONE

I'm taking everyone's advice for a day, and I'm taking a break from the gym for a day. I'm sitting here in my gym clothes with a bag packed full of my shower and gym stuff, so I'm all ready to go, but then I decided to just take one day in.

I probably walked about a mile or so today garage-sale'ing (is that a word? it is now), so I guess I got a little bit of workout in, but I can't even really count that. Today is a day to coast.

It's wierd, because I feel like I'm cheating myself. I should be in the gym, and I should be getting a weigh-in. Something about old habits dying hard, I suppose.

One thing I noticed is, my wife's family's sub was having this big garage sale, so it was one of those where the whole neighborhood puts their crap up for other people to buy. In the past, this used to be a neighborhood that Erin and I would walk through before we got married and she still lived at home, and I remember being winded taking those walks. I'm being generous if I call it a mile walk, it's probably not even that much through the neighborhood, but I remember in the past I was just dead tired. She would want to go for a walk, and I just was never into it - I always went because she wanted me to, but it wasn't anything I was fond of.

Today, we went for the same walk, and I felt great, to the point where her sister decided that she wanted to go check out this one house's goods about halfway down, and I got up and walked it with her.

Again, we're not talking major accomplishments by ANY stretch of the imagination, but it's good sometimes to get these direct comparisions to how things were in the past compared to today, so I suppose it's a bright spot.

Back to it tomorrow, but I did exactly what you guys prescribed for me - a day off.

75 degrees and not a cloud in the sky. I'd say it's a good day to have one.


Rebecca said...

It's funny that before working out was such a task, and now it's a task to NOT work out. What a difference a few months makes! But good for you for challenging yourself to not work out, and for being able to walk without getting winded. Your body is thanking you (for the walk, the weight loss, and the day off from the gym).

Marcol said...

Rob you deserve a major round of applause for taking the day off. I know it was tough but Im hoping you enjoyed it, Im confident your body did :-)