Friday, June 22, 2007

Team GOYADS - Blog Page Up

Ok, as Team Leader, I created the blog and created the team name. If you're vehemently opposed, let me know. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy.

C'mon Team GOYADS!


Kevin A. said...

Yay, Gonads! I'll give you guys this, you sure do have balls.

Marcol said...
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Marcol said...
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Marcol said...

Ummm Kevin its not GONADS... haha

Anyway, ROB can you put periods between the letters so its clear that this is an acronym? At first I was like what the _ _ _ _ are GOYADS.

Anyway, I like the blog, pretty creative.

Kristen said...

Ok, I'm glad someone else said GONADS. I've been thinking it, but I didn't want to be the crass one.