Four Day Average: 290.875
Calorie Count 1622 or less
Nutrition Report
Daily Sodium Intake - 1,905 mg Daily Cholesterol Intake - 90 mg Daily Fiber Intake - 19 grams | Nutrition Grade B |
Side note: I'd usually have a "five day" average, but since I just got back into the gym the last four days, I didn't have a weigh in for a few days prior, so I went with four this week instead of five. Just a clarification for my FAT Coalition family.
On my calories, I say "or less" because we went to TCBY for a snack tonight, and I had "Peanut Butter Delight" - a 96% fat free yogurt. This was AMAZING. I couldn't find a number for it online, so I just found the highest caloric yogurt on their menu and went with it. So, chances are my number would be lower, but I'd rather record too high than too low.
So I went to the gym today, mowed the lawn, and ate pretty well. I've been trying to focus on MUCH smaller levels of sodium, and today was pretty good. I figure if I can keep this up, this may be the push I need.
Ok, so here's what I've done since I've started. I didn't have a weigh-in on the 30th of each month, but I think this speaks volumes about where I've been, and where I can go. With the July Summer Sizzler Challenge - losing 10 pounds being the goal, in order to see where you're heading, you need to remember where you've been.
November 22 - 350.0 (starting point)
January 2 - 345.0 (5 pounds lost in December)
January 31 - 330.5 (14.5 pounds lost in January)
February 28 - 325.0 (5.5 pounds lost in February)
March 30 - 311.5 (13.5 pounds lost in March)
April 30 - 301.0 (10.5 pounds lost in April)
May 30 - 296.0 (5 pounds lost in May)
June 30 - 288.5 (7.5 pounds lost in June)
8.79 pounds per month. That's what I'm averaging since the beginning.
In order to lose 10 pounds this month, I need to really push hard. Very few, if any, "Cheat Meals". Work hard during workouts, and be consistant. Just keep pushing. I know what the challenge is in front of me, and as you guys already know - when it seems impossible, that's when I push the hardest.
So, members of the FAT Coalition - good luck with your weight loss. I'm looking forward to this.
I am in the unenviable position of being your "personal competitor".
Dude, you had 2 months where you lost around 14 pounds? DAMN.
I think my best month I lost around 9.
I've got my work cut out for me...
You're amazing! 8.7 lbs. per month is fantastic. I'm shooting for that in July.
Yeah, 8.5 is crazy. I was SO proud that I lost just under 10 in May. Rob puts me to shame.
I worship Rob.
ok enough already, you guys are going to give him a big head :)
ps- I think you all should meet. I volunteer our house in MI for the party :)
Rob is my idol.
Did someone say party? Just tell me where and when!
Yeah, for sure - if you guys ever want to organize something - we could possibly time it for any time that Kevin and Beck are in Michigan for their family - Erin and I would be happy to host.
A HEALTHY food selection would be readily available :)
Yeah, good work Rob. Losing 10 lbs in a month is serious business, let alone 14.
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