Five Day Average: 272.85 (new low!)
Calories Counted: 1586 (I think?)
So yeah - Salad Day went great at work. I brought in a 3 bean blend (garbanzo, kidney and black beans) , tuna and beets, and we had some pretty solid salads. Different healthy dressings, chicken strips, bunches of veggies - I was pretty impressed. A victory for the workplace.
In other news, I've been trying to figure out this point in my transformation, and I think that I've been feeling "lost" lately and I've been trying to figure out why. I think that I've moved away from being the "fat" fat guy, and over the past year I've moved towards the "skinny" fat guy. Like, the small fish in the big pond, weight wise.
Now, I feel like I'm the big fish in the small pond - the fattest "skinny" guy out there. It's kind of hard to explain, so I'll just give it a try and see what happens.
For the longest time when I was over 300 and beyond, I looked at myself as this guy who was overweight and really didn't know what it was to have fitness goals. I had the 'fat guy' lifestyle. I was the fat guy, and I was content with it. I didn't care about my weight - and I knew I was out of control but I felt like there was no way to get it back.
As time moved on, I gained steam. Somewhere along the line - and I'm not sure where - I crossed a major milestone. Part of me thinks it was when I got into the 200's, but I'm not sure. At some point, I started caring about my body in terms of looks. My original goal at the begnning was to 'lose enough weight to not die when I was 35". Seriously, that's all I wanted. I picked "100 pounds" back in November (which would be 250) and thought that if I got down to that, my problems would be over. Never ONCE did I think I could actually achieve that.
Anyway, back to where I was gaining steam.
Today I wore my new size 40 jeans (used to be 48s) and this XL t-shirt with these tight ass sleeves. This is the picture above. And perhaps this isn't the most modest thing I've ever said - but I really like this shirt - it shows off the guns big time. I felt proud in it. But, I also was insecure as hell, because as an XL, it isn't as forgiving in the gut - where I really know I need a ton of work.
The point is, I started looking at myself like someone who needs to make SPECIFIC improvements to be happy with my looks. Not just happy that I'm losing weight - but happy with my body and how it looks. Big biceps, built lats and shoulders and a strong chest. Bulging triceps, calves of steel, tight abs. I've NEVER, EVER thought about these things until recently.
But I'm thinking about that now. These are some of the things that are evolving in me.
So that's where I consider myself a 'skinny' person who is on the extreme fat edge. As I said already - I used to be the fat guy - even among the fat. On Biggest Loser, I would have been that guy with the "most to lose". Now, I wouldn't even fit on that show, it wouldn't make sense.
My outlook has changed - it's evolved. There can actually be a light at the end of the tunnel. I've done enough to move myself from "fat with no chance of living" to "if I keep working hard, I could really be a good looking guy". I mean, when I look at those pictures from over a year ago - I don't even know who that guy is anymore.
Hell, just look at my eating. Want a day's menu from this time last year? I remember it like it was yesterday.
Breastfast #1 - 2 bowls of cereal, whatever is there (about 800 calories)
Breakfast #2 (on the way to work) - 2 breakfast burritos, 3 McGriddles (2340 calories)
Lunch - (while at work) - Taco Bell - 3 cheese quesadillas, 2 grilled stuffed burritos (2910 calories)
Dinner #1 - (on the way home from work) - 4 double cheeseburgers (1840 calories)
Dinner #2 - Whatever healthy dinner Erin made (probably 800)
Total: 8690 calories in ONE day.
You know, I've never once did that math until now. I never really thought to - and to think that in all seriousness, I had something along those lines most days of the week. That puts me around 60,000 calories a week - with little exercise. I mean sure, I was "going to the gym", but there were so many days where I told Erin I would go to the gym, and then I'd pull into the Taco Bell parking lot, order the above, and eat it in the parking lot, and then go home as if I was in the gym. If that's not a visit to the confessional, I don't know what is. I mean, the fact of the matter is that I had some major, major issues - eating disorder, lazy, a complete disrespect for myself - whatever it was, I needed help and had no clue on how to find it.
It's just insane. And the reason I talk about this now is to show that I'm no longer the "fat guy" who THINKS he wants to be thin.
I'm the fattest skinny guy that you've ever met - but now I know what I'm doing, I know how to get there, and I WILL get there. It's not a matter of destroying bad habits anymore - I've done that, and I've won that battle.
Now, I am improving myself. Strong mind, strong body.
And next summer, I don't think I'll wear a shirt for months, because I'm not going to need one.
Dude. Wow! Not only are you wearing an XL shirt, but it's got horizontal stripes! ;) You're lookin' good, man! Keep it up.
Great Blog today! Weight loss...with an attitude.
Your food and fitness awareness has made a new man out of you. Just think what you have yet to achieve.
Get out of my head, man! I swear, those thoughts (and the menu) are straight out of the K-Dog's life. Preaching to the choir.
First of all, that menu absolutely blows my mind. I ate crappy, but I never ate like THAT.
Second of all, I completely know where you're coming from.
There was a shift in my transformation when I realized I was no longer just trying to not be such a mess, but I was actually starting to look good. I never understood guys who were in decent shape still working hard at the gym and stuff, but now I do.
It's funny, when I hear the words "skinny" and "thin" they sort of have a negative connotation to me now. I like to think in terms of being "fit".
2 Breakfast Burritos & 3 McGriddles?!?!? Whoa! I almost choked when I read that...not to mention everything else after that. Wow, Rob. Thanks for being so honest. I know that I've done stuff like that before, but never to that level.
I get it about starting out just wanting to be healthy and then wanting more after a while. Maybe this is why I've been feeling the same way (lost).
New Low got to love it rob!!!! I really like the attitude and meaning behind your blog today. Your putting in the work and its paying. I really cant believe you where not bigger than you where eating a diet like you listed. 3 mcgriddles!!! holy sh%t.
I cant wait to rock the polos and feel good about the way I look.
Keep the streak alive.
While you feel lost, I find your blog today very inspirational. It is amazing the work you have did in the last year Rob. You are a true role model for many people. Thank you for sharing and being so honest about who Rob was than, and who Rob is now. Keep up the great work,come our walk next year, Im sure your fitness level will be mind blowing ;)
Holy crap Rob. What an illustration of complete transformation. Can you even imagine eating like that today? If you've done nothing else, you've added twenty years to your lifetime. But you've done tons beyond that. You are looking damn good. Wonder what you'll look like and feel like a year from now.
Yeah, I added up my average calories a few months ago, and I think it was in the 7,000 range. It's amazing the changes this group has made in the last year.
I can't get over our before and afters. It's unreal.
Wow Rob - on so many levels. Appreciate the honesty (I won't tell your wife you were pretending to go to the gym - reminds me of sunday's desperate housewives. funny). Second, loving the attitude - you won't need a shirt next summer. You're on your way. This whole weight loss thing is definitely an evolutionary process, unique in so many ways. I think one of the keys is just being ready to change when necessary. Sounds like you're getting to done. I'm proud of you!
Rebecca, I appreciate the attempt to keep this from the wife, but she's the first one to read this blog every night before we go to bed.
Doghouse, baby. I get my mail sent to mine.
great blog today man! You've really made some great strides and you continue to inspire.
Good for you Rob on the awesome transmations youve made with your body and your eating. Youve remained with it for this long, youll see it through!
Youre looking like this now (i.e., new pic) just get a mental image of what youll be looking like next summer and let that drive your efforts!
I know Erin must be thinkin' "damn he's HOT!"
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