Ok, so I'm not supposed to weigh in at night - but I feel bloated as hell today. I haven't eaten too horribly today, but for the past few days, I've probably had more processed whites (breads and pasta) than I have in months. I feel absolutely huge right now.
So I stepped on the scale at 10:32 at night.
That's 283.5. With an 8.
Usually, I drop about 3 pounds at night, so that means I'm up near 280. That makes absolutely no sense to me. That means I've gained about 9 pounds overnight? That's not physically possible, is it? And that's assuming that I am going to lose my nightly 3 pounds.
I don't get it - I haven't eaten too bad. Calories have been reasonable - although not ideal, surely not 283.5 bad. If that sticks, I may very well lose my mind.
I may be going drastic here pretty soon. I need to get out of the 270's, but damn if I'm going the wrong direction. I've been thinking about going to a straight diet for a while, perhaps the whole meal substitution thing, I don't know. I have to sort things out, but if this scale reads anything closely related to what I think it's going to in the morning, then I'm throwing out the rulebook that I know and I'm going extreme for a while. Call it extreme, call it a 'diet', call it a detox - but I have to do something.
Let's knock on wood. But if the termites bite, I'm changing all the rules. I'll report back in tomorrow morning.
What happened to reporting back in in the morning?
yeah, I'm with Jim... what did you weigh in at? I cant believe it got up that high especially if your still on your streak. Seems crazy. I wonder if your scale is whacked out, 9 lbs is allot to flux.
279 happened.
Haven't felt like talking much. I can't even put into words what I'm thinking, so I've chosen not to say anything. I know it's not the best approach, but I'm pretty speechless.
This has happened before, so I know it's 'possible'. Just pisses me off beyond words.
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