Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Warning, Ice on Road

Weigh In: 271.5
Five Day Average: 271.2

The last year has taught me a lot about myself. A lot of it is good - I can put my mind to something and achieve it. I have higher standards for myself than I used to. I can work harder than I gave myself credit for.

The last 24 hours have been strange. I wrote that blog last night just feeling like I could do nothing wrong. Even the picture in the blog yesterday showed someone hauling ass down a mountain with a big avalanche behind them. Sometimes when you get building your speed and workouts up so much, you need to watch out for the black ice on the bridge. There might be ice there - and where there's ice, there's a chance to slip up.

Today was my company holiday party. I was prepared - I knew I was going to eat with my group, but I knew I was going to make the right decisions, and I did. You can't even imagine the spread here - this was insane. Just nuts. I got sliced ham (that spiral ham thing) and this broccoli and cranberries salad. That's it. I went back to my desk, and was proud of myself.

But then, for some reason I went back and grabbed a handful of the candied popcorn. Just a small handful - nothing that's harmful, just a few bites.

The black ice.

I didn't drive off the road - but I think I lost some traction. After that, I wanted more. So I had another handful. And on the way home from work I grabbed 2 cookies. Not big cookies, but cookies. I don't know why. Was it a self-destruct button? Something in me that wants to 'reward' me for doing well the past few days?

I'm not sure what it was. But I slipped on the ice, regained control of my car and am back on the road, full speed. I may take a bump in the weight tomorrow morning, and it might piss me off, but what else can I do? Right back at it, full speed ahead.


Jay said...

Nice to see you hovering around your low. It's a good feeling, for sure! Can't wait to see you hit 265!

Jim McCoy said...

Damn, Tuck. I told you to focus. This doesn't sound like it's all THAT bad, but you need to hold it together, get over the fact that you had a bad day, and move forward from there. You'll get it back, bro.

billy said...

I know exactly what happened. You thought you could have "just a bite" of the sweet stuff and call it a day. Well, you can't. And you went back for more. You know better.

Ripx180 said...

dang it man get into the 260s!!! I was all excited to log onto you blog and see it.... what do I see instead?? candy popcorn and cookies.. .what the f??

Rob you owe yourself the 260s. Stay the course and get it. I know I probably sound like a hypocrite cause I am not doing the best but common man. Do this, get the 260s!! f-n break the barrier. Its been too long. The satisfaction of hitting 260s will be so much greater than the second of gratification some crap food gives you.

anyway man I just want to see you get it done, you deserve it.

Carrie said...

Here's the key the others are missing- YOU ARE BACK ON TRACK. You're not berating yourself about it, you're accepting it and going on. That's a milestone in and of itself. I know we're all pushing ourselves and each other this month, but we've gotta accept the little stuff too!

I'm there too, I allowed myself a cheat meal last night but it ain't gonna happen again soon and you won't either- DEAL?

Who else wants to be in on a No-Cheat-Until-Christmas Eve-Challenge?

Rob Tucker said...

Carrie - I think you're right, and thanks for backing me up against these mean guys ;)

I knew I had it coming with Jim and Billy though - they've seen me do this so many times it's rediculous.

The scale issued cruel and unusual punishment this morning, and the punishment certainly didn't fit the crime, but that's just another reminder than there's no wiggle room for me. It's all or nothing - and I vowed at the beginning of this month for "ALL", so that's what I've got to do.

Gym after work, perfect eating all the way through the holidays. That's the bottom line.

Kevin said...

In my mind, it is not the behavior, but how you correct it. It something like that happened to me, it would become exponentially worse the next day. I would be pissed at myself and think "oh well" and eat more bad shit. I say that if you slip and can recover quickly, you are doing fine.

Melissa said...

I dont see anything wrong with what you did. We all need a little indulgement from time to time, and yours was defintely little compared to what you may have did a year ago right?

If we dont give ourselves those little indulgements, than we do feel deprived and may make it a big indulgment when it comes around.

And what you did after that is what counts, and your right back on track. That is exactly how it should be done.