Sunday, January 14, 2007

And On The Seventh Day, He Rested

Today was an off day. I didn't have much time to workout today, but I probably could have if I really dedicated myself. On the other hand, I was able to rest the ankle, which is feeling stronger today. The back is a bit weak, but it's holding together and hasn't fallen off yet, so that's good too. A day of rest is just what the doctor ordered.

Speaking of which, I'm going to set up an appointment with the doc this week to make sure that everything is working the way it should, and I'm going to have him check the blood pressure, cholesterol and all those other fun things that doctors to make sure we're on the right track. Plus, let's make sure my back isn't causing major issues.

Eating wise, I did pretty good today. I ended it with an ice cream sundae, but it was ALL lowfat. Nobody's fooling anybody though, ice cream is ice cream. So, it was a small portion, and it held off most of the cravings that I've had this week, and I'm still under my goal for the day. I felt guilty about it even while I ate it.. but I've got to admit.. it was so damn good. ;)

Workout wise, tomorrow is judgement day. I haven't officially changed the name of the blog in about 2 weeks or so, so we'll have a true number tomorrow. Since I didn't work out or weigh in today (scale's in the gym), I'll be averaging the past four work-outs, since it gives me the last 5 days.

By the way, for those of you NOT in the FAT Coalition, we've got a new venture. Kevin and Becky have been working hard, and have created "SHIFT". It's going to be a website dedicated to health and fitness, and living a healthy lifestyle. I'll be writing a blog (very similar to this), so stay tuned. The SHIFT forums can be found here. A main page will be coming soon, and be sure that I'll be giving updates as we go.

So, judgment day tomorrow. Stay tuned.


Kevin A. said...

Anxiously awaiting the weigh-in...

Rob Tucker said...

I'm headed to the hospital now (for a friend's father), and then to school for a 3:00 concert, and then to the gym, so later tonight we'll have the number.

Been dying to get into the gym to find out.. and I can't say that I've actually ever "DIED" to get into a gym :)