Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Back On The Track?

Weigh In: NONE

A few quick notes tonight - I'm starting to get some improvement on the leg quicker than I thought, so that's promising. Erin's aunt is a nurse, so I've had her check out the leg twice, both Sunday and again tonight. She has this magic potion that she's soaked my leg with twice now, and it's helping speed the process up - taking the infection right out, and really helping with the healing process. It's moving along.

This is good, because I went to softball tonight - not intending to play, but we were short guys so I went out and played first base for one inning until the late comers were able to make it. I made two solid plays at first, and got a single - I was hobbling a bit and not 100% - but it was great to be able to be somewhat mobile, a great sign of recovery for me. I then spent the rest of the game coaching third, so I was on my feet.

My biggest problem with the leg hasn't been the actual 'scrape' that was caused. The muscles underneath have been getting INSANELY painful and tightening up with the blood rush that flows into the leg, making the blinding pain rush through. Yesterday it got a bit better, and again today it was that much more better. Good enough where I was able to accomplish what I did today.

So, tomorrow I hit the gym. I'm going to test the non-impactiveness (it's a word now) of the Elliptical and see how the leg reacts. Then, Gary and I are going to hit the upper body pretty hard, and then I'll see how it feels. I'll get my first weigh in since Thursday in, so I'm a bit nervous about that. You guys all seem to think that I'll see major improvements as my eating has been in line, but honestly, I'll be happy if I just maintained the 286 that I had on Thursday.

That, of course, assumes that I'm wrong and you're right.

So, here goes nothing. Hopefully I'll have some successes to report tomorrow.

PS: I finally did measurements for the first time today. I'm a bit mad at myself for not doing them at the beginning, I'm curious to see the differences.. but I'll be doing them for now on. They're on the right column posted.


Anonymous said...

Rob, that's awesome that you were able to get out there and do something! I can sense (because it's not obvious at all.../sarcasm) that this injury is beating you up mentally. I'm glad you could be involved with the game tonight.

Also, I'm glad to hear that you'll be hitting the gym with Gary. He hasn't blogged in awhile (hint, hint, Gary) so it's good to see he's still on track. :)

Good luck on the elliptical!

Ripx180 said...

Hey Rob,

Take is a little easy and slow at first to check things out. You don't want to hinder your body from healing and delay your inevitable return to crazy gym goer (6 days a week!!!). Glad to hear you are getting back in the game though, nothing worse than sitting on the side lines.

Take care