Wednesday, June 13, 2007


Weigh In: 292.5

Not much to say right now - just a bit frustrated. Will report in with my calories tonight.


billy said...

Those damn weigh-ins. I'm impressed with your strength! I've been stuck benching 185 (no more than 5 or 6 times) for a while now...

Anonymous said...

don't be frustrated, it's muscle weight! :)

Ripx180 said...

Rob its most likely your heavy lifting. Your muscles probably took in extra water and nutrients from you workout. Once they heal they will expel the additional water/weight and you will most likely be down a pound. Plus you will have the benefit of that new muscle burning more calories for you. If you are eating under 2000 cals a day you are by far in deficit for a guy your size. It will come off man, heck you know that you have already lost 60+. I understand the irritation and frustration though. Keep pushing.

Rebecca said...

Hey Rob, you might want to think about having a weigh-in day, where that's the 'official' weight for the week. It might help you track your progress and save some frustration on the day to day fluctuations of your weight. I mean, you could still weigh yourself every day, if you want, but have one day where the weight really counts as your weight. Just an idea!

Rob Tucker said...

Rebecca - I technically do exactly that. You'll notice that the blog name and tracker at the top only change on Monday. It's the weight that I consider true.

I used to weigh in only once a week, but Billy recommended that we do the 5-day average, which has worked great.

Everything except the part where he said "don't take each day's weigh-in too seriously, it's only data collection".

Seems I've got a bit away from that part ;)

Kevin A. said...

I think we're all connected. You're stuck at 291-293, Billy is stuck at 201-203, Beck is stuck at 182-184, I'm stuck at 296-297.

We do this all the time, and we always seem to break out of it, too.

You've said it a MILLION times on this blog - patience.

Just keep doing, and wait.

billy said...

I think we've all been having a hard time with the "data collection" thing lately.

For me, it's because I'm getting so close I can taste it. It was much easier to look at it as data collection when it was like 248 or 247- either way I'm still kinda fat!

Now it seems that each pound has an almost visible effect...

Rob Tucker said...

Kev - you're right. It's SOOO much easier to give the advice than to take it, too. Patience and hard work will eventually get me there. Pissing me off in the meantime.

Billy - I agree with this, too. In your case, you are so close you can almost touch it - and I still have almost 40 to go, yet I feel like I'm on some 'final stretch' for some reason.

One thing is for sure - as we continue this, expectations rise.

billy said...

Wow dude, you only have 40 to go. I was looking for The Fire. I found some of it:

Here and Here, and Here.

Find your Fire, Rob. Find your Fire.