Not much to report today.
I ate well, but couldn't work out at all. It's frustrating to me. I know that I should be accepting the fact that I can't work out and just deal with it. I know that you all have told me to just take the time to relax and just rest up, but I'm not handling that too well.
I should be doing something. I just broke that plateau a few days ago, and this is when I should be working HARDER, not less.
I appreciate the fact that you guys think that I will feel better about this, and that I may even experience good weight loss. That may be completely true, and I don't doubt you for a half of a second.
But it doesn't feel right to me right now. I should be up and at the gym. I should be playing softball. I should be running, lifting, everything that I know I can do.
I was taught at a young age that you get what you earn, and you earn what you get. That's why I've never had a problem with gaining the extra pound or two on this journey when I know that I didn't do what I should have been doing. I feel like it's completely out of my hands, and frankly, that's now how I operate.
So, I wait. Honestly, I feel like I'm sitting on a park bench watching the racers go by.
I need to be in that race.
Doesn't it feel good to have that yearning though?
You looked GREAT behind the grill tonite, I almost didn't recognize you! (and I just saw you!)
Thanks for helping JIm man the grill at his 3-day fundraiser last nite-you all did a GREAT job and should be proud. About $550 raised for Breast Cancer-that's comething to be proud about.
Once your leg heals, join jim on a training walk :)
Well Rob youre still in the race, youre just coming at it from a different angle. But like someone said yesterday, if you want to do more than just keep your eating in tact you can also do some various upper body training in the interim while your body heals.
Youve mentioned that you coach when youre not in the game (softball), so what would you say to someone on your team in your same situation if you were in the role of coach? Whatever you'd say, tell yourself that now and however you'd want him/her to respond, respond that way now.
You'll heal and youll be better and stronger for it. I appreciate that youre not a slacker or a freeloader - good things your parents taught you. But Im sure they wouldnt expect youto apply those ethics in this case. Im sure they would tell you rest up Son, youre doing great and only worry about the things within your control.
It's all mental dude, and you're letting it win right now.
Whether or not you are "in the game" or not isn't really about going to the gym. It's about where your head is at.
If you feel like you're out of the game, then you are.
But if you can accept that taking a break and healing is just part of the game, then you're back in.
So, are you in or are you out?
Rob, is there anything you can do about exercising? Is it a matter of you choosing not to go to the gym? No, of course not. Take solace in the fact that NOT being in the gym is foreign to you. Fact: unless you can magically make your wound disappear, you're going to be on the sidelines (oh my gosh, I just sounded like Dwight Schrute!!). Anyway, you can either stress out about it and let this be a miserable week or two or you can realize that you've been working your tail off and that this is a well-deserved break.
I know it's so much easier said than done, but try to relax and enjoy your time off. Take this time to rest, recuperate and get ready for next week.
could you do upper body stuff? i know the gym is packed with lots of upper body machines you could use; even if you hobbled around on crutches, that would burn a few. if not its cool, take the time to get mentally ready for when you can. but i know bally's has an elevator. you should talk to a doc if its bad enough that you can't get around on it. take things easy, but do what you can. you'll be back in the game, don't sweat it.
The thing that's keeping out of the 'daily' gym time (other than the hobbling thing) is that I can't time it to the point where I can shower afterwards.
The whole cleaning out the wound / putting the cream on it / re-wrapping thing takes a half hour - something I'd have to re-do after showering in the gym.
I'm hoping to actually suck it up and try to get INTO the gym in the next day or so, but now I'm dealing with logistics on top of it. Big time pain in the ass.
I'll be back sooner than later, if I have to cut the damn thing off.
(Yes, I can see Billy shaking his head at me as he reads this ;))
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