Two cool things to talk about.
First off, I got my package in the mail today for next week's Komen Race for the Cure 5k race that I'm doing. It'll be my 2nd 5k race - the first one was on Thanksgiving Day this year, which was the kickoff to my weight loss goal. My time was like 46:48 for the full thing. Damn slow, but this was a 379 pound guy who hadn't worked out in months, in NON-running shoes, and without stretching.
Needless to say, I'm a bit more prepared this time. I'm not sure what a 'good time' is, but I plan on blowing that number out of the water next weekend. I can't wait. I got my XL shirt (ok, that's going to have be stretched out a wee-bit), my pin, and my number. Lucky number 26588 will be on my chest proudly. The cool thing about the XL shirt is, at least I've got a slim chance of making it work - in the past, when I was in a 4XL, an XL shirt worked best for either a sock or a washcloth.
So, wish me luck on that.
The second thing is more about softball. Tonight, it was a tie game going into the last half inning. We only needed 1 run to win, and I was 5th in the batting order. So, that means, if we could get 2 guys on base, and 2 guys would get outs, it would be me up to bat with those 2 outs and all the pressure on me.
Old Rob cringed at that thought.
We got our first two guys on. The third guy came up, and I was actually hoping that he would get an out, and the next guy would get an out, just so I would get that chance to win the game for our team.
New Rob realized tonight that he's got a ton more confidence in his athletic ability than he realized. I was pretty impressed with myself for even thinking that.
For what it's worth, the third guy hit a double and scored the winning run.
Oh, and I went 2 for 3 with 2 doubles.
Not a bad night.
I canNOT wait to see how you do this time around.
It's gonna be a hoot running this thing with you. We'll beat that time for sure bro. I walked four miles in like 55 or 56 minutes today. That's three miles (approximately 5k) in about 41 or 42 minutes WALKING. We'll blow that old time out. Keep prepping bro. Ten days left.
Please watch out for jimbo and encourage him to go and run a BIT or something this weekend-I'm worried he will hurt himself next Saturday b/c he's a walker, not a runner.
It took a lot of guts and courage to run that 5k the first time around, I wouldn't even have considered it. And this time, well, I just think it's great that you're doing it. Good luck!
What's a "BIT"? in "a little bit"
Am I right that one should train in running before doing a 3-mile race..? (or run the risk of getting hurt?)
LOL, I figured BIT was an acronym. Everything's an acronym on the internet now.
As for running without training, I'm not really one to preach that, considering that I decided the day beforehand that I was going to run the 5k Turkey Trot.
Ideally, of course you have to be prepared - the MAIN thing is to stretch out a LOT. I learned a lot of hard lessons last November - I wore the wrong shoes, I didn't have my music with me, I didn't stretch properly, and I breathed through my mouth the entire time (even worse in the cold Michigan November air).
He'll know his limits. He won't hurt himself - but he'll probably be so sore he can't walk for a day.
And that's kind of funny =)
Also, if we're being realistic, he won't (as I won't) run the entire 5k. Neither one of us are in that type of shape.
Run, walk, fast walk, jog, alternate to whatever we feel up to - getting to the finish line is the goal.
Youre a go-getter! Enjoy the race and I cant wait to see your new time since Im sure it will be something youll be very proud of!
Wow Magglio! lol! Great job...
Shawntele told me tonight that she can tell you lost a lot of weight and you look good!
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