Five Day Average: 281.1
Well, it kind of sucked, but I had to rename the blog to a higher number. I made the mistake last week of getting too excited about losing the "100", so I jumped the gun and renamed the blog after one day's weigh-in instead of waiting to claim it with my five day average. I think the weight loss Gods weren't pleased, and punished me for that this weekend.
If anything, I'm going the wrong way. My last five weigh-ins were 283, 279, 279.5, 281.5, 282.5.
So, as frustrating as it is, I've probably talked about this 50 times in the past 7 months. Just suck it up, drink water, eat right, workout, and live strong. So, that's what I'll do.
Ok, so the "Tuck's Big Challenge" is set up, and you can see it on the right side of my blog. For those of you who don't read this from my blogspot blog, you can find it here. I tried to set up the teams in the most even of ways, and tried to keep them fair. I took requests, so Kevin/Beck are put together, as well as Billy and Brian, and Gary and myself. Hopefully everyone's happy with their partner, because you've got a month with them.
This month's challenge is fairly simple. It's weight loss, and it's your body percentage. Basically, if you weigh 100 pounds and you lose 10, you will have lost 10% of your body weight. Your body weight % + your partner's body weight % = your total score. Highest score wins.
And remember, this is all for fun, and the goal is to cheer everyone on. I'm hoping that this just helps push everyone a little bit - when you're in the gym and you want to give up, give that little push. How much is that hot dog in the window? If this challenge gives you the willpower to keep on walking, then we've done our job.
So, what are you waiting for? Post your weight in a comment on this blog, and we're off and running. Wednesday will be weigh-in day - and we'll weigh in each Wednesday, and then again on August 31st. Good luck to everyone!
Oh, by the way - we were one short, and my sister-in-law wanted in, but doesn't have a blog (yet?). Her name is Melissa as well. So, newcomer Melissa, you've got a GREAT partner. She'll be posting on my blog tomorrow morning.
August 1st weigh in:
185 lbs
Thanks Rob :)
Aug 1st Weigh In - 162
227.5 for me
191.32 (using the average method)
And "Tuck's Big Challenge"?
Shaq would be proud.
A nasty 289.6 on the scale this morning. Not too happy with that one.
I'm glad the two Melissas are partners :)
Sigh, I guess the world will know my weight now!
Off to the gym!
264.8 today
Hi Rob,
I laughed when you talked about the weightloss gods inflicting revenge. For a football fan as yourself, you must read Easterbrook's TMQ regularily right ?
I would't mind joining the August Challenge as a rookie in this coalition ... if someone desists, i can be the wildcard or something.
Aug. 1st 2006 - 219.5 lbs.
David, I went ahead and added you to the challenge as a solo - if another person steps up (a few people haven't yet), I'll give you a partner. I figure this way, since we're doing averages, the more the merrier.
Thanks Rob,
BTW, you didn't answer my question about Gregg Easterbrook !
No biggie !
Sorry, not familiar with him. Worth a read?
TMQ is really a superb read.
He writes alot more during the season. But there are still tidbits once in a while in the offseason.
Let me know what you think if you can catch some of his work.
281.5 for me
Hey Rob..wanna hear something Ironic? My last name starts with an H to. Just like your sister in law.
Hi Rob -
I'd like to join the August challenge - team me up with whoever needs a partner. Aug 1 weigh in is 233.
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