So, this is what we're thinking.
2 person teams - trying to see who can lose the most weight in a full month, August 1 to August 31. Using the 5 day average method (if you prefer an actual weigh-in, that's ok too), we'll report in on August 1, which is a Wednesday - and then every Wednesday in August - and then a final push on August 31st.
The winning team will have the highest % of body weight lost combined.
So, if Billy weighs 100 pounds and I weigh 600 pounds - but we both lose 10 pounds, Billy would win because his would have a higher overall total % lost. Then again, if Billy weighed 100 pounds and lost 10, I'd have to set him up with Nicole Richie - but I digress.
So sign up in a comment - just let me know you're interested. On August 1st, I'll have a post set up in here, and I'll keep stats on my right hand side bar keeping track. Teams will be assigned before the August 1 start, but I want to make sure everyone who wants, gets in.
Sign me up :)
needless to say, I'm in too =)
Throw me in the mix. August WILL be better for me.
I'm in. How will you decide the teams?
Probably try to even them all out - get all the people who are close on separate teams (aka: Billy/Beck, Kevin/Rob/Jay, etc..) and make sure the ones who are similar are opposite from each other. Try to get one "big number loser" who has a long way to go (like me) and team them up with someone who only has a small amount to lose.. not sure yet.
I'm in
I'm so in... I need to redeem myself after the pitiful July Challenge!
I hate being lame, but I don't think I'll participate this month. I'll be on vacation starting 08/13 and then I'm supposedly having my surgery the following week :(
Competition?? Oooh, I'm in!! :)
Yeah, I'll do it. Maybe I'll lose 27 and hit my goal.
Im in :)
Ok, I'm going to hold off until tonight to announce the teams - tried to put a comment in everyone's blog who I thought might want to be a part of it in case they don't check mine.
Basically, just be ready to give a starting weigh-in tomorrow, and I'll do the rest. Good luck, everyone.
You can count me in please.
I'd like to request a billy/brian team if possible, as I've been coaching him a little.
If it's not possible, that's fine too, just throwing it out there.
Put me with Beck. We would have lost last month, so you all have nothing to worry about.
Nothing wrong with a hubby and wife working out together.
Kev, we would have plenty to worry about! A) You're both super motivated from not doing great in July, B) You would be able to have an impact on eachother's success (ie: cooking helthy, working out together, etc) while the other teams would have no impact on their partner's weight loss! But, that's just my two cents... I really don't care what the teams are! :)
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