Monday Weigh In: 284.5
Pretty non-eventful, yet busy day. Went to the gym this morning and did a full set of 400 pound leg presses, ran a mile in 9:04 (6.6mph) on the treadmill, and did a few other machines. Then, went to class, took a major test, went to work until 5pm, and then went to softball - at 95 degrees and muggy.
A year ago, I would have died in that heat. Tonight, I felt like one of the stronger guys. I can handle the temperatures much better than I used to.
Also, I adjusted the ticker at the top for the first time in a month - it's hard to believe I'm less than 35 pounds away from hitting 100 pounds lost. I've already got it in my head that once I get to 250, I want to get down to 220, but first things first.
Oh, and one thing - I'm pretty happy with the picture at the top of this page. That's me tonight, ready to do a pile of dishes. You know the rule - she cooks, I clean. I had a TON of dishes tonight, but Erin made an AWESOME pot of Turkey Chili, so you know those dishes were well earned. I actually like the picture - let's forget a second that I'm walking around in my boxers and a ripped up T-shirt, rated PG13 in a few countries - I'm starting to look leaner than wider.
Long way to go, but I thought I'd share the small victory.
notice the corncake on the stove behind him...tsk tsk tsk not good for the diet! ;)
It's hard to believe you are the same guy in the pictures at the top of your page. You look so healthy!
You look like you could run the bases pretty good. Did you?
I turned a double tonight. Yeah, my base running has improved dramatically. I used to be the slowest on the team, but I think I hold my own now.
It's great when you can start liking pictures of yourself again ;)
Way to go Rob! You look like a different person from the man at the top of your page!
You look Excellent! Like Billy said: It's always a great feeling when you start liking pictures of yourself.
That's great Rob! Your face is much thinner in the new picture than in the top banner.
You look great, Rob. Keep up the good work, and no corncake!
Rob, do you realize that you're more than 15 pounds under 300? I remember when you were getting so pissed that you couldn't get to 300. Sorry, I just really noticed your number today. That's way under 300 imo.
Rob, that's awesome. I remember you still being too ashamed to post any full-body shots of yourself as little as two months ago. I'm pretty sure a tee/boxer full-body shot counts. That's awesome!
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