Tuesday, July 24, 2007

It's Always Something

Weigh In: 283.5

Funny how I can go on vacation for a full week and not gain an ounce, but the moment I get back into town, I go up instead of down.

I feel like I'm in this major funk. It seems like there's ALWAYS something to keep me away from where I need to be. Yesterday was my re-entry into the real world after vacation, and I had a test in the morning at school, so I was all focused on that, went to the gym, and forget my freaking gym clothes. So, I weighed in, and that was that.

Today, I made sure to pack my clothes, so I go do a workout - hardly even energized, and then I go to jump in the shower and my towel's missing. I'm not sure if I left it at home, or if it got jacked, so I'm hoping it's sitting at the house. Drip drying at the gym just flat out sucks.

I just feel "out of it" when it comes to my routine. I know the cause of it - Gary's on vacation this week so I'm flying solo, and it's been over a week since I was actually in "MY" gym. I've done workouts, but it's not the routine, so I'm having a hard time getting back to it.

It's a mental issue, and it's something I have to get over. Even with my eating - I'm eating 'right', but I didn't bother keeping track of calories yesterday, and it's been a week and a half since I've done it.

I just need to get my head on straight. I get so frustrated when the scale doesn't do what I want it to do, yet I can't sit here and act as if I've earned the weight loss. Some of you have talked about this lack of motivation in the past - how have you gotten over it? I feel like I'm driving the car with four flat tires right now. Thoughts?


Kristen said...

Unfortunately, I go through the same exact thing every time I go out of town or get out of my normal routine. I don't know what the answer is yet, except to just keep with it (I know that won't be a problem for you). Reading online about fitness and health always seems to inspire me when I'm feeling down.

billy said...

The best thing to do is force yourself. Make yourself push beyond at the gym and to eat really really clean. After that, it will energize you and get the ball rolling. A body in motion remains in motion, whatever that motion is...

You'll get back into it.

Ripx180 said...

what Billy said.... some success will re-light the Rob inferno. Its time for you to smash some plateaus! Get after it with reckless abandon! Do something totally new and shock your efficient body. Since your a gym goer you could try Billy's new circuit or some version of the 300 workout. Its time to start Charlie Tango Alpha mission "shock and awe". ok I am rambling, feeling motivated.

Anonymous said...

What everyone else said.

I was in a funk a week ago and for me, it was a song. Yeah, weird, I know. But I was doing my workout with no real motivation or energy, then this song came on (Simple Creed by Live - GREAT song). The beat was perfect, I could run to it...then the switch flipped. I loved how I felt. The feeling of overcoming weakness. I got a glimpse of the big picture (again) and have spent the last week eating squeaky clean (minus Sunday) and working out hard.

Dude, this is going to sound weird, but go look at yourself in the mirror and flex or hold your stomach in or something. Just another form of visualization. By flexing, you see the fruits of your hard work and by sucking in the gut, you not only see how far you need to go, but you also see how attainable it is. It's like, you're RIGHT there...you just need to lose a little more fat and you'll be where you want to be.

Ok, I'm totally rambling now. Cary on...