Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rounding the Bases

Calories Counted: 2022
Weight Reported in Previous Blog.

I got a pretty good compliment today. You guys are probably tired of hearing my softball stories, but tonight we had a doubleheader and I was playing with the "B" squad, which is a better team (higher level of competition) than the usual "C" team that I play with.

Because I play for "C" usually, I think some of the guys on "B" tend to think that I'm less of a player. And let's face it - last season I weighed closer to 400 pounds than 300 pounds, I was slow, I had no bat speed.. and I was pretty.. well, "C" level. Tonight, my first hit was pretty much garbage.. swung at the first pitch, and popped it up to the pitcher. Total crap.

Second time up, I ripped a good single. Felt solid.

Third time up, there was a guy on third and I had a pretty solid shot out to mid-center field, enough to get the runner home on a sacrifice. I was out, but I got the run in. OK, not great - but OK.

Fourth time, the defense creeps up on me, and I park it. Just cranked it - ended up with a double - could have been a triple, but I was the leadoff hitter, and why push the limits with no outs.

The cool thing was, I've always been known as the slow guy on the team. More than one person made comments about how I was getting around the bases, and that I've gotten a bunch faster. To me, those are the compliments I thrive on. To me, I'd much rather have a compliment on my improving sports performances rather than my 'appearance', but that's just the male ego talking. Either way, I'm taking it.

Oh, and for those of you who are on, I've officially become a moderator of the Weight Loss forum there. I was highly recommended from a few others, and was offered the position. I took the position starting today.

So, all in all, a good day. Let's see how the scale treats me in the morning.


Jay said...

"B" is pretty good competition here in the must be pretty good!

Softball is one of those sports you can play even if you're in bad shape, but if you get in better shape, it makes it so much more fun.

Totally with you on the sports performance thing. You really notice that your body is changing when you see those little performance increases or get compliments about them.

Nice Work!

Anonymous said...

All this baseball talk makes me want to play!! Awesome job on being a B-level player. I totally get the performance compliments. I'm the same way...tell me I'm a good or better athlete and I'm happy!

Kevin A. said...

I'm thinking if you plowed some people over, they might stop getting in your way in the future.

Jay said...

oh yeah, totally, run him over next time....gotta take advantage of your size while you still have it :)