Calories Counted: 2051
First off, if you haven't read the other blog I just posted, please do. I can promise you it's worth the read. Onto the news for today, there's a lot to say, so here it goes.
I'm thrilled with my weigh in today, obviously. Just like Jay, I stepped on the scale and read 283.5. I have been seeing the 283's for way too long. Things needed to change, so I went back to what was working, an old workout - and drinking a ton of water. The last two days, yesterday and today, I drank 4 liters of water a day. That's a lot of water, and the body has been pretty busy with the whole flushing thing. Can only be good.
So, when I stepped on the scale and saw a 280.5, I couldn't believe it. It was good to see the scale move, and the fact that I was 379 pounds just a year ago - I'm 98.5 pounds down from last July. Since I started this blog, I've lost 69.5 pounds. That's a big deal.
As I said, I did the same workout that I did back on January 31 - but I added the appropriate amount of weight to the bar to reflect my improvement. I've got to say - pretty impressed with a few of the increases. The bench press hasn't moved up that much - not to mention I haven't really focused TOO much on freeweights, and when I do, I've usually got a spotter, but this is what I did.
Circuit One
Squats - 3 sets, 15 reps. 115 pounds in January, 225 pounds in July
Flat Bench Press - 3 sets, 10 reps, 110 pounds in January, 135 in July
Hammer Horizontal Row - 3 sets, 15 reps, 140 pounds in January, 270 pounds in July
Circuit Two
Lunges - 2 sets, 10 reps
Barbell Curl - 2 sets, 10 reps. 65 pounds in January, 75 pounds in July
Tricep Extention - 2 sets, 15 reps, full stack (150 pounds)
Abs & Lower Back
Medicine Ball Crunches - 2 sets, 25 reps
Quadruped (Yoga Stretch) - 2 sets, 20 seconds each - not done in July
Child's Pose (Yoga Stretch) - 2 sets, 20 seconds each - not done in July
Scissor Crunches - 1 set, 25 reps - July replacement
I couldn't do the Yoga moves because they require you to be on your knees, and my softball scabs are on my kneecap, so I did the Scissor crunches instead. Basically, you lay on your back, hold an 8 pound medicine ball above your head in your hands, and then meet your toes and fingers in the middle above you, as SLOW as possible. Total killers.
I was shocked at how tough this was. Even though I can attribute some of the exhaustion to the extra weight, I realized today that I haven' t been working as hard as I used to. I think that somewhere down the road these past few months, the workouts have gotten 'easier'. A little less of this, a bit less intensity, a shortcut here and there, and even though I'm IN the gym, I feel like perhaps I'm not utilizing it as good as I can.
And why? Failure of planning. I'd go in there, do this, do that, call it a day.
Back to following a plan. It works with the eating, and it works with the exercise.
No more shortcuts. 270 or bust.
Nice man, it looks like you and I are similar with the workouts. I'm killing myself in the gym right now, and it's great. I'm like "I remember this". Like you, I think slowly "gym laziness" creeps in. Even though your numbers improve, somehow you're resting more, and you get used to the exercises, and it gets easier. It was time for a change.
And dude, I didn't realize you'd lost almost 100 pounds. That's simply incredible, you really are an inspiration.
And the Shaq thing sounds cool. I was never fat fat as a kid, but always a little chunky. I'll check it out.
You can check out all the past episodes on as well - it's worth your time once you 'get to know' the kids.
Wow Rob! Your gains are serious! Glad to see the snowball rollin...
I can relate to those kids. Been heavier than most kids my whole life, but ate good and was I can't figure it out. I can identify too-I have been moo-ed at, had food thown at me from mean guys, and it's a sad, depressing time in my life.
Lost 6 lbs losing my gallbladder last I have to talk with the dr. on a good diet for my medical issues and then I'm joining your online group. I need MAJOR support and kind words :)
You're getting very close to your original weight goal. Just think, in a year from now...if you continue as you have been, your weight would be well below 200. Maybe that's too much, but one thing for sure, you'll be shirtless next summer!
Keep up the great work.
wow, 98 lbs! That's pretty amazing!
I like how you're focusing on the next goal, never satisfied. That's the spice of life!
The race to 270 is on! It's a competition where everyone loses :)
You can do it!!!!
Woohoo! I hit the big time, I've got myself a spammer!
update your ticker/heading to show your progress!
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