Weigh In: 279
Five Day Average: 281.12
Calories Counted: Pending
As the title of the blog suggests, I'm about to expose myself - but don't worry, there's no need for Net Nanny. There's a few things that I think we all have in the back of our heads - at least I do - and sometimes they need to be said.
Some of us on the blogs have been struggling with true weight loss lately. We're stagnant, we haven't been keeping a solid pace - or maybe we have been, but perhaps not as intense as when we were in our 'honeymoon' phase, and sometimes, we make excuses.
I can only speak for myself, but here are my excuses:
"Gary's not been able to work out with me lately." I did this for months without Gary. I've leaned on him to help push me when in reality, it's up to me to do that for him.
"A few bites doesn't hurt." This one's a tricky one. When I started truly counting calories, I was dead nuts on every day. If I had a cookie, I measured it and made sure I knew what it was. I included my drinks into my calorie count. I did EVERYTHING. Now, as I'm trying to convert this from a 'diet' to a 'lifestyle', I've become lax. I need to be conscious about everything that I put into my body.
"I'm been busy as hell lately." We all have been busy. We all have jobs, some of us go to school, and yeah - I do have tasks around the house to complete, I'm in the gym a lot, I go to school, I go to work, I teach private lessons (slow this summer), I run a praise band at my church - the list goes on. I could give you, as I'm sure most of you could, thirty reasons a day for not going to the gym - not eating right - not living that healthy lifestyle. But, if we're being honest here, it doesn't matter.
This lifestyle that we're trying to lead should NEVER be an afterthought. Weight loss ain't easy, and I think we've proved that over the past months - hell, for some of us, we're getting close to a year of this in a few months. We all have our priorities. We schedule our days that we can fit as much as we can fit into them. For me, I never wonder if I have 'time' to go to work, or to school. Making healthy decisions have to be on that same level. Maybe you can't go to the gym every day - that's not realistic for some - but what CAN you do to make sure that your health is just as important to you as your paycheck?
I make tons of excuses, and I see a lot of them in our blogs, in our posts, on the scale, you name it. If you're not losing weight the way you want to be, you have to be 100% honest with yourself. Lying to yourself only hurts one person, and I've been lying to myself for a while.
I'm not giving my all every single time I go in the gym. I'm not eating the best I possibly can every time I bring a fork to my face.
Don't get me wrong, I'm doing well - I'm a different person than I was back when I started. I don't even recognize the choices that I made back then. The distance from the start line to the point where I am in my life right now is quite a bit - but the finish line ain't even close.
But, the truth is that I've been 'settling for mediocre' rather than 'striving for success'.
That changes today. Are you with me?
I am with ya, I have already changed my ways. I have blamed my setbacks on vacations and will be stopping that.
I am going very strong now (because I am winning the competition!) My kryptonite as of now is beer :( But I am working on it :)
Do you think you may be a little hard on yourself ? You have already implemented many changes in your lifestyle. You have not let you bad habits creep back in.
I don't think we can tackle weight loss by going 100% all the time. But you are the best person to know what's best for you, not me !
One last thing, i try to approach each meal as an opportunity to make a good decision and be proud of myself afterwards for having made a good decision instead of feeling down for taking a bad decision. The keyword i remind myself constantly is "opportunity" !
Good day
David, you're probably right - but as you're here for a while, you'll realize that I'm obsessive compulsive about this stuff.
I've been "OK" and "decent" along the way - I need to make a big push - and the only way to get a horse to run is to kick it in it's ass.
great blog Rob! I know I make excuses for myself at times just like you spoke of. You are right though we are only hurting ourselves. I think many people have said this before but being cognitive about what your doing is the first step in the right direction. Now that you are aware you can fix the parts you don't like. Once again good read today :)
I am finding that it is soooo hard for me to really push past mediocrity now that I've "reached" my goal. I would love be down 20 more lbs, but I don't really need to be. My fitness is improving, but I always lose focus just enough to keep me hovering around the same weight. I don't know when this will change. I need some real goals...some that mean something to me. I recently set my 20 lb goal for my birthday in October. The problem with this is that it's just a number. My original goal for DEMF had serious meaning attached to it (for me). Now DEMF is done. What next? I really don't know.
This should have been a blog. Maybe I'll expound on it later.
Great blog Rob! I understand about excuses. In the past, I lived on excuses. How many times did "tomorrow" come out of my mouth?! Not anymore. Can't happen. This is it!
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