Thursday, August 30, 2007

FAT to the MAX

Weigh In: 281.5

So much to say today - so bear with me. I'll break it up as much as I can, but I hope this is worth reading.

First off - I'm in a near gear. I've been talking to Billy, and I'm going to be restructuring what I've been doing, and I'm going EXTREME for the month of September. Not extreme in any way except healthy. I'm making ALL the right choices. So many times do I hear us say "I eat perfect 90% of the time". To me, for my life, 90% good equals 10% bad. And at 4 meals a day, 7 days a week - that's 28 meals - or 2.8 bad meals a week. Frankly, that's why I've been settling for mediocre.

My mentality has to change. I sit here and watch Billy, read what he's got to say, follow what he's eating - and he's doing it the RIGHT way. I have Taco Bell, ice cream at night, and wonder why I lost 6 pounds this month. 6 is great, don't get me wrong. But it's not what I EXPECT. If I can lose 6 pounds in a month eating Taco Bell and Ice Cream - imagine what the possibilities are.

So today, this is how my eating went:

Breakfat: Bowl of Yogurt Cheerios and 2% milk.
Lunch: 2 grilled chicken breasts fresh off the BBQ.
Snack: 2 bananas
Dinner: None.

Now, I wouldn't normally skip dinner, but today was one of those days where I haven't stopped moving until just now. I left work, taught a private lesson, mowed the lawn (in the dark, I might add - let's see how much I missed in the AM), and here I am. Right now, at 9pm - that's when I'd have an ice cream bowl on my lap, justifying it because it's in "one serving".

Right now, as I type this, I have that same ice cream bowl in front of me - yet this time, it's got fresh hummus that I made myself about 2 hours ago in it, and I'm dipping carrots into it.

That's the bottom line. If you want results, you make the RIGHT decisions, ALL of the time. Otherwise, you get mediocrity.


In other news, I want to talk about Tuck's Big Challenge for September. Everyone who wants to be in it in September, please sign up in this blog's comments. I'm assuming most are in - but I want to make sure that if you don't, that's ok too. And, I know others want in, so the more the merrier. Please post in this blog comment if you're in.

It'll be the same thing - weight loss % - I think that's fair. Now, if you want to use the 5-day average, cool. If you want to just use your daily weigh in, that's ok too. Doesn't matter to me - the goal is to motivate us as a team, and nothing else. So, the more the merrier.


Finally, I want to talk about the status of the FAT Coalition. I've noticed some comments lately that some people don't blog as much as others. I think that sometimes I come off like I think everybody should blog, every single day, without fail - and that this is the way to proper weight loss and success.

Honestly, that's still what I believe. But I feel like I've been pushing others to believe what I believe, and that's not fair. I know one thing - constant pressure and accountability is what *I* need. So I'm hoping to separate the FAT Members (only in order on my blog - nothing else) into two groups:

1: FAT Xtreme - This group is the members of the Coalition who want to be pushed every day. Those who want pressure put on them to perform - blogging on a pretty consistent basis. Making sure to leave quality comments pretty regularly for everyone else in Xtreme .. really making a solid effort to be a constant in each other's worlds. For example, say there's 5 of us - all 5 of us would check each other's blog as often as possible, and be diligent about leaving quality comments the best we can. Daily accountability - without fail. Success - through tough love.

2: FAT Coalition - This would be everyone else. I absolutely love that you guys trust me with your thoughts. This is for you guys to keep your blogs up, and this way I know how we all stand - I'll support you like always - but I won't get on your ass about when you blog, how you blog, or how often. It's not fair for me to put pressure on you, and I'll be there for support. Nothing changes, except that you don't get called out by me. I'll leave my 'call-outs' for FAT Xtreme.


So, that's about it. Please comment and let me know if you want in the challenge, and I'll have everything up tomorrow. Also, leave your weigh-in for August 31 - the last day of the August Challenge.

Until then - stay strong!

PS: Damn, I never knew how good hummus and carrot sticks could be!


billy said...

A few things:

Your eating today, you need more veggies. I would have done 1 chicken breast and a big pile of veggies instead of 2 chicken breasts. Also, some type of fruit or V8 at breakfast would be good.

As for FAT Xtreme, sign me up. I need the daily blogs to keep me accountable and motivated, so yeah. Feel free to call me out and (you know) I'll do the same!

I'll post my weigh-in tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

I'm in on the Sept challenge. And count me in for FAT Xtreme. This week was horrible on oh so many levels (I'll blog about it tomorrow), but I want to be held accountable. If I don't blog, I want you (and others) to harass the crap out of me! If I eat loads of crap (this week...again, I'll blog about it tomorrow), I want to be reprimanded.

Motivating blog today! :)

Kristen said...

I'm gonna be kinda hurt if I'm not considered Xtreme :)

Dave said...

Hello everybody, I have been reading alot of the FAT Xtreme blogs for about the last month and I think that it is time to introduce myself and get my blog setup as well. I would like to take part in September's challenge as well. I will post my weigh-in tomorrow.

Rebecca said...

I'm in for the September challenge, but truthfully, I don't consider myself to be a 'member' of FAT. I'm just somebody who has a blog that talks about weight loss, and you are the people who read it. That's just my perspective, and I trust that it's not a problem.

Hoping to kick some ass next month with swanky!

David said...

Sign me up for the September challenge !

August was great, September is going to be EXTREME !

swankywanker said...

Rebecca and I are in for Sept. challenge.

I'm impressed with your new motivation. Keep it up!

When's Billy going to write a book?

Melissa said...

Count me in for the September challenge....I would like to be on the Xtreme, I think Im one of those people that need to be pushed.

My final weigh in (why do I feel like Im on celebrity fit club all of a sudden. lol) 161.

billy said...

Final Weigh-in = 185.48

billy said...


you're welcome to start a blog and join us. I suggest you alter your name somehow though, we already have a Dave and a David, and it's starting to get confusing!

Rob Tucker said...

Final Weigh In: 280.8

Brian said...

I'm in for september.
Todays weigh-in - 279.00.

billy said...

Oh, and of course, I'm in for Sept.

David said...

Welcome Dave ! (the 3rd)
Final weigh-in : 214.9 lbs.

David said...

Whaaaaa ... Brian .... you lost 13 lbs. in August.

We are definitely not in the same league, i can't compete with that !


Brian said...

sure you can, just dont cheat and ride your bike a hell of a lot :)

Ripx180 said...

I think I am going to sit the September challenge out. I need to concentrate on myself and not be worrying about not pulling my weight for a team mate. From comments I have received I get the feeling that maybe I'm not were I need to be for the competitions.

final weigh in is still 225.5

I really do enjoy reading peoples posts and getting comments on my blog. I don't know where that puts me in the coalition. I do appreciate it when one of you calls me out if I am not doing what I should be doing. Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome so stick me where you see fit. So I guess if you enjoy or like to read my blogs and comment please do, if not thats cool to.

billy said...

The question isn't whether you're where you need to be to be IN the competition.

The question is:

Can you bring it?

Because it looks like what happened was:

Y'all got served.


Brian said...

I think you should absolutely still stay in the coalition! That's what everyone is here for.

I hope this wasn't a result of my post on your blog. Actually, after rereading it today I think I may have come across a little more harsh than I meant to..I really didn't mean to offend.

Great, now I feel like a douche..

Ripx180 said...

I'm Not saying Im leaving the coalition. You all cant get rid of me that easy. Just saying read my blog if you want and comment if you want. I do like all the feedback so keep bringing the heat.