Calories: Way up there
So yeah, I hit my typical pattern again. Step forward? Must take a step back. I think it's in the rule book.
Eating was pretty bad today, and it kept seeming to pile up. I felt myself doing that whole "justification" thing - you know how it goes - go ahead and say it with me.
"I already didn't eat great for that meal, so I'll just start back up the right way tomorrow".
Recipe for disaster, ESPECIALLY if that meal you blow is breakfast.
So it sort of snowballed. First, I had eggs, ham and rye toast (dry) for breakfast, as we went out for breakfast. Then, because I didn't want the 'American fries" that came with it, I got the pancakes, and then proceeded to use the syrup that I usually skip. Then, we had dinner, and I didn't do so bad, but I just ate a LOT of the 'good stuff' - even good calories are calories.
Then, we went up to the Armada Fair (think up in the sticks) and hung out, went to the petting zoo, some country singer had a concert going on, it was a lot of fun. Of course, I couldn't say no to the Elephant Ear that we shared (fried like 100 times - but damn it was good). Then, I came home and we were watching Desperate Housewives on DVD (yeah, my new addiction, I've already cut up my man card) and then I had a piece of toast with peanut butter. I wasn't even hungry, go figure.
So yup - I reward myself hitting a new low by assuring myself that I won't see it again tomorrow. Not sure why I do this - but I need to slap myself harder, I think. Tomorrow's scale should tell the story. Until then, maybe I'll stop trying to sabotage myself.
Sometimes if I overeat one day, I'll undereat the next. Give that a try.
Also, in my book, it's almost impossible to blow breakfast. Whatever happens at breakfast can be adjusted for over the course of the day.
Hey Rob,
Ive learned that when we get tired of passing the same mountain we change our course to prevent the invevitable scenary. Are you tired of it yet?
I hear you say it to so many so I know you know what to do.
I agree with Billy that if we over-do breakfast we still have the rest of the day to take back control. It may require sucking up being hungrier than normal at times but its the cost of overeating earlier. Or training harder that day to compensate for the extra calorie consumption. When I first started out, if I ate something I shouldnt have my workout that day was longer. I got tired of that so I started eating wtihin my calories.
Anyway, you know what to do so in the words of Nike - just do it!
Great advice, Marcol.
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