Monday, August 27, 2007

On My Own

Weigh In: 280.5
Five Day Average: 281.9

Today was a strange day for me. First off, my whole world seems a bit backwards. Erin left this morning at 6:15am for a "Teacher Retreat", and is going to be in Midland, MI for the next few days, coming home on Wednesday afternoon. Now, the initial thought is "freedom! do whatever I want!" - but it's strange without her here. I'm not a fan of the empty house without my wife. I'm truly convinced that without women in our lives, us guys would still be roaming around caves, beating wooly mammoths with sticks, and completely wandering this earth.

So, how does this relate to weight loss?

My schedule's screwy. I didn't feel like eating breakfast this morning, and I ended up letting myself get hungry. Then, PIGGED out for lunch-ish, completely stupid. I was just around 2000 calories before 6pm, and I hadn't even thought about dinner. I was under my goal, but dinner was surely going to put me over.

So, I did what every other poor planner does.

I skipped dinner.

I'm starving right now, but that's too bad. I should have thought about this before I stuffed my face with a lack of self control. It's my bed, and I'm going to lay in it tonight. Not the greatest plan for a lifestyle change - but it'll work for tonight.

Alls well that ends well, I suppose. Not the best way to get to the end of the race, but it sure beats NOT finishing.


billy said...

I think you did the right thing, I've done the same. You can have your indiscretions, as long as you can do what it takes to make up for them.

P.S. some of us get along just fine without a woman to keep us in line ;)

Rob Tucker said...

Yeah, yeah - so you'd be the caveman who discovered fire. I'd be the one drawing on the walls. =)

David said...

Hey Rob,

I think you made a good decision about skipping dinner. No nutrinionist would approve, but what the hell !


Rebecca said...

I disagree. Although your decision was understandable, I think it would have been best to have a small/light dinner - even if it was just some form of protein. I say that because, based on what I have read, eating basically only 1 big meal in a day, is no good for your metabolism, so I think it would have been better to stoke your metabolism with a small meal, and then make up for the calorie overage today, by eating the proper number of meals just making them smaller.