Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Reality Shift

Weigh In: 286.5
Calories Counted: About 2200?

Eh, no special reason to post this picture except that I like it a lot. Also, that's a 2XL shirt I'm wearing, and when I bought it I had to stretch it out for 10 minutes just to put it on. Today, it's a bit baggy. Just a fun fact.

First off, the weight jumped up 3 pounds from yesterday to today. I ate well, I was in the gym, I drank my water, I did everything. So, when I stepped on the scale from my previous 283 and saw a 286.5, I just laughed. I really did. LOL and everything.

I've been through this too many times to get pissed off at my weight anymore. I know I jump up, I know I jump down, I know sometimes it fluxes, and sometimes - even months, it won't budge. I'm not sure if I'm in a better mood, more understanding, or just tired of being emotionally beat up about it, but the number on the scale is the number on the scale. Getting pissed off about it ain't going to do anything.

Of course, if it happens again and I go off on a rant about it - please forget what I just said ;)

In other news, went to the Tigers game tonight. Awesome game - up by 4 the whole way, our starter (Robertson) goes 7 2/3 innings, and we bring in Grilli (backup) to get one out.

He gives up 3 hits and a freaking grand slam to tie the game.

But, we come back and win.

One thing I kept noticing though. I was in the upper deck with Erin, and I had an aisle seat. Now, I hope this doesn't come off badly, I mean this only with concern - but our country's weight loss problem is out of control. I've always been - and continue to be - part of the problem. I'm still 60 pounds overweight, I have a gut, and I'm still not where I need to be. I don't know why I was noticing these things, but all of it together was overwhelming tonight.

There were unlimited numbers of people wheezing trying to climb stairs. I looked around, and there was a guy with this pile of nachos that was so big it could probably hide a weapon of mass destruction inside the layers of chips, cheese and sour cream. There was the couple in front of us that averaged one paid meal per inning - hot dogs, ice cream, skittles, you name it, they ate it. There was this one women that was so out of shape that she was wheezing - I mean the type of breathing you get after carrying a Toyota up a hill in the snow with no shoes on - both ways - and yet she had to carry about 15 steps.

I don't want to seem like I"m making a joke about this. I felt sorry for every one of them, because everything I just described was me a year ago.

Find me the biggest pile of nachos - find me as many food vendors as possible. Hell, trying my shoe might as well have been an Olympic event.

It's times like these where I realize HOW FAR I've come. I know I have a long way to go - but I know that it's possible. I see it in these people's eyes when they're shoveling this food into their faces, that it's a lost cause for them, and that they've accepted their fate.

That somehow needs to change. I guess that's why I love that Shaq's Big Challenge show so much. One of these days, once I get my OWN goals accomplished and life straightened out, I'll be part of a bigger solution.

It starts with the FAT Coalition.


Ripx180 said...

I hear you on the fact that America really is getting fat. I was so depressed last time I went to one of my nieces sporting events or orchestra performances (8th grade). I have really noticed it has started to affect todays youth. I remember when I was a kid maybe 1 out of 15 kids was over weight. Today your lucky to have 5 out of 10 at a healthy weight. Its really just so sad...

Great pic of you and the wife.

FYI.... atleast that blond walking up the stairs behind you in the photo didn't look too bad ;) (looks to be in descent shape)

If any of you haven't seen "Super Size Me" by Morgan Spurlock rent it. Its a real eye opener.

Rob as usual another great blog.

Kristen said...

Re: Fat America...

I also had a moment like that this weekend. I didn't blog about it, because I was a little ashamed actually. We went to Tony's in Birch Run - a little out of my control.

Now a couple of years ago, I would have been in heaven, but this weekend I was sickened and saddened by the scene. If you've never been there...they are known for their HUGE portions...like using a full pound of bacon on their BLT's. Everything is like triple super sized or more. I'll admit that I ordered the steak sandwich, but I ended up eating the meat (not much there), cheese, mushrooms, and only a quarter of the bread (still too much)...oh and 3 poppers and about 3 onion rings...if I am being honest here :)

Anyways...looking around the room was sad. To the left of us was a table with a HUGE man with a HUGE gut eating a HUGE fatty sandwich...there was also a very overweight 4 or 5 yr old eating this sh*t too. The whole restaurant was full of large people. Why do we do this to ourselves? and then think it's funny?

I feel like I've been in a bubble. Almost all of my friends and a lot of my family members are losing weight, and I talk to you guys all the time. I guess I kind of forget that healthy eating isn't a focus for everyone.

I seriously try not to look down on people because of their weight/eating, but it was hard this weekend. I know this is a controversial subject, but I almost feel like places like that should not be allowed to serve such horrible food. It's no better than tobacco.

Ok. I don't really believe that gov't should regulate this, but deep down inside I wonder if I do.

I guess all we can do is change ourselves and hope to make a difference in someone else's life...and then they can do the same.

Yes, "Super Size Me" is a must see.

Kristen said...

whoa....sorry to hijack your blog, Rob!

Ripx180 said...

I think the gov should just tax the sh$t out of bad for you food. and subsidies the good for you stuff making it cheaper. The sad thing is that the most affordable food is the sh$t that is killing everyone. Fast food is fast and cheap.

I hear you Kristan on not wanting to be regulated but deep down I wonder also. I suppose it would be hard to determine what is officially bad for consumption.

Anyway you are right this is a very touchy subject and I don't want to come off as a loony so I will quit :)


Anonymous said...

It's interesting that you should be blogging about your viewing other people today - I was thinking the same thing yesterday.

I stopped at my mailbox yesterday on my way home and another woman was just getting out of her car - she was over-weight and it looked like such an effort. Then I realized I was like that a year ago! I said a little prayer for her and a gave myself a pat on the back.

Later, while driving I saw a rather big woman walking (obviously for exercise) - I gave her an at-a-girl (to myself of course) and sent a little prayer out for her success.

I feel so much compassion for both those that seem to have given up and those that are giving a healthier life a try - just like us!

Geez Rob, it seems you've hit a cord with F.A.T. Coalition on your blog.

Anonymous said...

Just wanted to tell you- since I haven't posted in awhile- that I am still very proud of you! I can only imaginewhat it feels like to hear people compliment you- like Sara's brother or Dee Bush from church Sunday- people who basically say they don't even recognize you anymore!
I'm excited that you are at my gym now so we can work out together on the weekends.. (and maybe some weekday nights once I go back to work?).

PS- I <3 that picture of us at the game from last night!

Anonymous said...

You've carried a Toyota up a hill in the snow with no shoes on - both ways? Impressive! ;)

I don't think America's obvious issue with obesity should be taboo! I think that might be what's contributing to the problem!!

I agree whole-heartedly that America has a major issue with obesity. Like a lot of other people, I'm way more aware of fatness now that I'm losing weight. I notice it with other people, and to be honest, being in this group has really opened my eyes to the cruelty of other people's judgment.

Like Sharon, when I see someone who's fat, I think twice before judging them (Kevin, shutup!). I get this sense of pride when I see someone out there walking or running or doing something to take care of the problem. I feel bad for the people whose stomachs are rolling off their knees at the buffet restaurant because I guarantee that 75% of their obesity is because they have no clue how to lose weight. Shoot, just 8 months ago, I realized weight loss was as simple as calories in vs. calories out!

Anyway, you've brought up a very good point, Rob. Thanks for that!

BTW, I want to go to a Tiger's game so bad!!! I'm so jealous of you Detroiters and your easy access to sporting events!!