Five Day Average: 283.75 (loss of 3.6 pounds since last Monday)
Calories Counted: 2125
This weekend's been a nightmare when it's come to weight loss numbers. It just seems like we're up, we're down - weight dropping but numbers going up because of the scale - you name it.
The bottom line is, using the new scale translations, I weighed in at 287.1 last week on Monday using the 5 day average. My five day average today is 283.5 - I lost 3.6 pounds off of my average this week. I can't complain about that.
Not really much else to say - I'm in the gym every day, I'm eating pretty damn tight, and I'm doing everything that I can. I'm earning my pounds right now, so I'm going to enjoy it. For those of you keeping track at home, according to the 'new' number, I weighed in at 286.8 to start the August challenge. As of today, six days later, I'm down 3.3 pounds since August 1.
I don't want to get too deep into numbers again, they confused the hell out of me. The bottom line is, I've been going in the right direction. Hell, Erin bought me a XL shirt yesterday for $7.50 in a normal store, for a normal price. You don't get that in XXXXL - so it's good to see that I'm starting to get into "normal" situations again.
Ok, this is about as scattered as a blog can be, so I'll cut it short. Just a reminder to those in the "Tuck's Big Challenge" contest. Weigh-In needs to come to me by Wednesday. Good luck to everyone ...
.. and try to keep up ;)
XXXL to an XL...congrats! That is an awesome feeling isnt it? :)
I actually started in a XXXXL (4 X's). It does feel good, but lately I almost feel like "ok, I'm happy with that, but time to put that aside and KEEP going".
Never enough, is it ;)
Still racing to 270, but had to make a pit stop for some gas and new tires. Look out now!
I'm with you Jay - you've got the lead now - I had to add those 6 pounds, but we're still racing. You see me in your rear view mirror?
Wow Rob,
Those numbers are very impressive, You are now 3/4 of the way there !
I'm following your progresses with interest !
Next stop, L bro. It's nice to sometimes not have to buy the biggest thing in the store! ;)
Billy LOL... at first I thought "L Bro" was some kind of man bra.... I am with you now, cant wait to ditch my need for a "L Bro" and fit in a size L.
excuse me, I am easily amused.
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