Saturday, August 18, 2007


Weigh In: 281

Funny how that works. I just assumed that I was going to gain today considering my poor eating, yet I stayed the same. Good news, I suppose. That's pretty par for the course - if there's one thing that I've learned throughout this whole thing, it'd be that if I expect something, I generally get the opposite.

I had a pretty solid workout this morning as well. Felt pretty good, and the stamina was there. Byproduct of a ton of carbs the previous day, perhaps?

Not much really to say other than that, but as of now, I sit at 281. Not that this counts, but if I would have never adjusted the scale to show those 6 points that I added a few weeks ago, I would be sitting at 275 - the lowest I would have ever seen. I can't look at it that way, so 281 is 281, but it's good to know that I'm at least headed in the right direction.

Oh, and the Detroit Lions are 2-0. The hills in Hell may be freezing over soon, pre-season or not.


billy said...

281's not bad, and with the new scale, you're earning it the hard way. Funny how you can eat well and work out and get no budge in the scale, but eat poorly one day and the scale zooms up. You're lucky, my friend. I almost weighed in above Omaha cuz of my friggin cheese fries. They weren't even that good.

Kristen said...

Rob, you're doing great. A new low. Soon you'll be at a completely new low that will be lower than your old scale low. Then you'll forget about your old scale numbers maybe?

Billy, funny that the cheese fries weren't that good. One of my bigger cheats on vacation was this stupid diner on the road to nowhere. I got a chicken pita (fried) with their homemade potato chips. Ick. None of it tasted good. I enjoyed the chicken greek salad from the night before so much more.

Anonymous said...

That's good that your weight didn't jump back up! Just eat super-clean the next couple of days and you'll be out of the 280's in no time.