Five Day Average: 280.8
Another day of perfect eating and good choices for me. I feel like I'm gaining steam here. Today, I had a bowl of yogurt cheerios with a banana, 2 chicken breasts, carrots and hummus, a few slices of roast beef, and for dinner I had Grouper with vegetables.
Good choices that I made today:
Today was one of my co-worker's last day, so we had the typical banquet. They had everything that I considered a weakness - meatballs, sandwiches, cheese dips, cheese trays, you name it. I blocked it ALL out. I did have a few slices of lean roast beef from the meat tray - but that was it. No nachos, no chocolate strawberries, no bean dips - nothing. A big win for me.
Also, tonight we went to dinner at a seafood place. One that has that fresh loaf of bread. I completely skipped it. I had a light salad (aka: lettuce and some carrot slices) with raspberry vinegarette and Grouper with veggies. The big thing to me was skipping the bread, and then actually eating the grilled vegetables. Green and red peppers, onions.. not my bad. But, I sucked it up, and finished it. As someone who couldn't come within a foot of green pepper in the past, to be able to eat that was a small victory, yet a victory all the more.
As for my weight, you'll notice it dropped. A BIG drop, too. I've been unable to get out of the 280.5-282 range - and all it took was a day of TRUE commitment, and I skipped right past 279 and landed at 278.5. It means nothing yet - but this is the time where I would have felt like I 'earned' a treat tonight - my treat?
To care about my diet more than the ice cream.
So two perfectly clear eating days in the book - and I'm headed towards Labor Day weekend. A weekend traditionally marked for the food that I consumed. Not this year - this year, I set the bar high. I'll be 269 by the end of September - and if that means I push my limits, well then - thats' what I'm doing.
Speaking of which - the September challenge, I've got the following people signed up:
Brian, Billy, Beck, me, Kristen, Dave III, David, Melissa, Gary (probably), Rebecca and Swanky (R & S as a team). I'm thinking Brian and Billy should defend their title for winning Augus. This leaves us with an uneven number - so if anyone else wants in, let me know? I know a few others may not have checked the blog (Jay? Lacy? Others?) - I just don't want anyone to miss out.
Long blog again, but lots of business. I'll also be updating FAT Xtreme soon - I've got myself, Billy, Beck, Kristen, Melissa, David, Dave III.. and maybe Ripx? Rip, did you want to be part of "Xtreme"? Either way is cool, just want to make sure. Again, if anyone else wants to be Xtreme - check my blog from yesterday and let me know?
Until next time - let's all have a STRONG September. We've all got it in us - what's it going to take for us to take it out, and put it out there? Weight loss is a combination of good decision making, hard work and determination. How bad do you want it?
Well ... that is great Rob.
I know that going to restaurants or buffets are killers for me. So i avoid them altogether. But you had to strength to go there anyway and still resist.
It's a tough fight and you're as strong as ever !
Rob if you dont mind, I'd like in on this challenge. I'll just post weekly weigh-in. Right now the challenge will help for sure. Let me know who I will partner up with. I wouldnt mind teaming up with either Beck or Kristen if they're not partnered with someone. I hope I'm welcomed. :)
This is what I'm talkin about!
Now you see how you could be doing better and how it's moving your weight in the right direction. Keep it up!!
I'm not crazy about your "yogurt cheerios". I'd rather see you pick up something with more whole grains and oats, (use "Optimum Power Breakfast" as a baseline) and something with much less sugar! Then, to sweeten it up, toss some fresh berries (blue, black, rasp) and/or a banana on top.
I am a attention ho so put me on the extreme :) I love getting comments and being prodded if I am being stupid.
congrats on the weight drop. I need to cut the nonsense and I am sure it would drop for me to. Put a big ole smile on my face to see you down on wieght this AM.
If you still need one more person, I'm in, too.
Great job on the weight loss, by the way! You rock! :)
And, sorry if my latest blog sounded... well, bitchy. Obviously, I was having a bad day. :) I guess where I was coming from is that I don't mind being pushed... but when I don't blog, I feel guilty... and guilt makes me want to eat a box of cookies, not run a mile. So it isn't as clear-cut for me as it is you! But, I just wanted you to know that I'm not mad or anything... I was just venting.
Lacy, no worries - I've said before, these blogs are to get the feelings out. That's what they're (and we're) here for.
It wouldn't make sense to have these thing be full of smiles, hugs and kisses all the time and then we bottle up the negative.
Get it out. And the make the choice - run a mile, or the chocolate?
1. Congrats on the new low and on the momentum you're picking up. Hooray
2. I want crap! What? I need to make this a priority, so I need to sign myself up for Xtreme. Am I too late?
3. To the (self-appointed?) manager of Billy, can you, at the very least, prevent him from posting SuperChubbyBilly pics?
4. When do you want September challenge weigh ins and team names?
Swanky (and everyone else) - I'll be puttign the challenge info up tonight, I meant to get it up earlier, but I've been crazy busy today.
Basically, just pop on tonight or tomorrow, I'll have a blog up where everyone puts their weights in. Sorry for the delay.
I'm afraid of the Challenge. I can't workout for several more weeks at least. If there is an odd man out, please don't feel bad about cutting me :)
Kristen - totally understood. Hope you start healing up, we'll get you back into full swing in October :)
i missed what xtreme is...but whatever it is, i'm in.
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