Last night was an important night for me.
I told you guys that a lot of other issues in my life have been messed up - and without getting into the details, weight loss isn't the only thing I recommitted to today. When things get real rough and you start to lose sight of what is most important to you in your life, it tends to get pushed back. I've done that in two areas of my life in the past few weeks, and yesterday, I recommitted to both of them.
I don't want to get into the first one - the person who needs to read this knows who I am talking about.
The second one is worth talking about.
I ate perfectly yesterday. I had an awesome workout - I'm talking a 9:28 mile as a "warm up", a great weight lifting workout followed by a 30 minute elliptical cooldown. I felt energized for the first time in a while. I actually went to Wayne State's gym which was a "new and different" feel, it helped push me a bit.
So that's all I can do. That's Day One. Now, today's a new day. We'll call it Day Two.
Oh, and PS: Happy 50th Birthday mom! You still look 29 to me. =)
Awesome! We're excited to have you back. Can't wait to see what your plan is.
Glad to hear it man ;)
glad your taking care of business Rob. The 260s are waiting for you with open arms.
And he's back! :)
Happy Birthday Robs mom :)
I think every day is going to be Day One for me. It's just how I have to look at it.
Welcome back, Tuck. Glad to see you not just saying you were going to start over, but actually making some movement towards DOING it. Oh, and happy birthday, Mom Tucker. You still look 29 to me, too!
Glad to hear of your newly found motivation, just keep pushing. Just think, you've already done what so many people never could, you can't let anything take that away from you.
Also, dude your mom must have had you young. My mom's almost 50 and I'm only 24 O_O
Well done Rob!! I'm excited to see that things are falling back into place for you.
As usual, you impress. Refocused and committed. Can't wait to watch the good stuff go rolling in your direction. You deserve some.
Sounds like a quality decision to me. Work it out Tuck!
I'm the same way. Dinner's the big meal...I was raised in a home where dinner was the one meal we all sat down to. Maybe there's a connection. I don't think it's out of the question.
Great job getting the gym even though you didn't feel like it. Is it just me, or are you gaining steam again? It's good to hear you had a good workout.
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