I woke up, and immediately didn't feel like going to the gym. I sat down and watched Kid Nation before work (pretty good reality show considering the garbage out there), and had extra time since today was a late day at work. I literally debated in my head whether or not to watch another show since I was SO comfortable, or go to the gym. I manned up and just went to the gym. Got a great workout in as well.
Eating went great today. For breakfast - Kashi cereal. For lunch, a salad with veggies and fat free italian dressing with a tuna packet. The problem came at dinner. I was starving, so I had 4 turkey meatballs that Erin made. Super healthy, had peppers and onions cooked into them. Delicious. But then I was still hungry, so I had a small bowl of cereal. Then, I had another one.
That's just stupid on my part. But this is what my weakness is. I get so damned desperate after eating perfect every day, and then I blow it at dinner. I don't get why this is - but it just is. I have always throughout my life had dinner as the 'big' meal of the day. Maybe it's bred into me that I should be completely FULL after dinner.
That's stupid logic and I know it.
I feel like I wasted a day, but I know I did a lot good. I just need to do MORE good. Less 'little mistakes', and more 'perfect because I DESERVE it'.
I did OK today. That's not enough.
Tomorrow I *WILL* be better. And that starts with a strong gym workout.
I like this attitude, keep it up man! You do deserve it.
What's with the cereal? Is that what you'd eat as a kid after dinner? Does it feel like a reward? Are you just missing the feeling of being full? It seems like cereal is your go-to snack. Why not plan it into your day? There are much worse things in the world than a planned cereal treat to punctuate your dinner.
As a former smoker, I feel like cigarettes were life's punctuation marks. Since I quit, my life's been one run-on sentence. My punctuation marks while I was quitting were Atomic Fire Balls. Everybody likes to suck hot balls. Now I have nothing to put the period at the end of a meal.
the overeating at dinner is actually quite a common syndrome. you mentioned that you were starving- thus your behaviour was actually reasonable given the situation. when we're starving, even the best of us will binge. maybe the problem is not with you but with your plan. perhaps you just reacted to a sudden drop in blood sugar levels by reaching for something sweet and comforting. why dont you try spacing your meals throughout the day so you dont have to even contend with the unpleasant desire to binge? or prepare a healthy desert to have on hand should the need arise so it doesnt thwart your goals. if its the feeling of rewarding yourself that you want, consider having a measured portion of what you desire right after your workout- that greatly minimizes any potential damage. the night binge habit is a hard one to kick but its not impossible- just do some smart planning to avoid and accomadate it should the situation arise again. i struggled with my own dessert-after-dinner-syndrome for the longest time. dont be too hard on yourself- just be a little crafty and figure out how to have what you like without jeopardizing your goals.
I don't know what it is with cereal - I think swanky's right, maybe it is my 'reward'. I've never thought of it like that.
To me it's easy, takes no effort, and is "only 400 calories" - which I know is stupid, but I think that's how I mentally justify it.
If I can rope in what I do after 6pm, I'll be golden. I'm going to try something different as well. I work out in the morning, I'm going to try working out at night tonight, see if that changes my motivation a bit. We'll see how that goes.
I can relate to the dinner thing. It frustrates me so to have an awesome day then toally f*ck it up by going off the deep end at dinner. Layla had a well thought out response and I'm certain there are "reasons" for the cravings and binges.
Try to up your water intake with dinner. See if that helps. Or like swanky said, try to incorporate certain "cravings" into your day.
Just don't suck any hot balls.
Here's my unsolicited opinion: You are not eating enough during the day, so you are starving at dinner. How many calories in the Kashi Cereal? 300? Then lunch looks like maybe 400 calories? You should be eating like 2000 calories a day, so at this point, you need at LEAST 1000 calories. My suggestion is to eat 3 meals a day with a big snack in the afternoon. Something like this:
Breakfast: 500 calories, some protein.
Lunch: 600 Calories
Snack: 300 Calories
Dinner: 500 calories
I found it tough to count the calories until I found www.nutritiondata.com, which allows you to easily keep track of what you are eating. Spend an hour at first, inputting your most often eaten foods, then it's easy to use day to day. Billy always scoffs at calorie counting, but I found that doing this was the only way to make sure I was eating ENOUGH throughout the day, as well as making sure I wasn't eating too much.
Hey Rob,
Well although the breakfast and lunch seem great it also seems like not enough which leaves you starving at dinner time. i dont so much think its you have a thing for cereal, although you may, I think its youre not taking in enough and the right foods throughout the day leaving you hungry for your next meal.
You may want to consider have six small meals throughout the day that are high in protein and fat (good fat that is - no to low sat or trans) and tons of veggies.
At your weight you should consume more than what you are. I dont know if you know this but if you eat too little the body holds onto whatever it gets its hands on and you still dont lose weight.
If you want some more help with the diet thing give me a shout.
Wishing you well Man!!!
I didnt read others' comments so it sounds like I kinda echoed them. Obviously I agree and think youre eating too little.
Your last post said youre about 275 or so. To maintain your weight you should be eating around 3575 with your given training.
To lose weight you should deduct from 500-1000 cals to lose 1-2 lbs per week.
That means you should be consuming somewhere around 2500 - 3000 cals per day and still lose weight.
Try a macronutrient ratio of:
25% carbs, 35% protein and 40% fat as you probably have a poor carb tolerance.
Your daily numbers should look like this for 6 meals per day :
Calories - 2500
Protein - 219 grams (37g per meal)
Carbs - 156 grams (26g per meal)
Fat - 111 grams (18g per meal)
Try this out for a week or two and let us know how it works. You should get results if you keep your eating in these ranges. Aim to have most of those carbs be from veggies and fruits (5:1 ratio). Avoid excess sugar and try to eat your starchy carbs when youve earned them (i.e. after training only).
Hope this helps!
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