But before I go into this whole thing about seeing the 280s again and how frustrating it is, I think I want to mention something else.
I'm a damn lucky guy.
I am blessed with a great family and great friends, and with Thanksgiving weekend come and gone, it's a good time to reflect on that. I think my wife and I are in a great minority of people who are lucky to have our mothers and fathers still married with intact families, and large families on both sides that spend all the holidays together enjoying each other's company. I'm a lucky, lucky guy for that. I'll never feel bad about it.
That being said, this is where I have to be stronger. With each of these families comes large family gatherings. It seems like the past few months I've had more meals out than most people have in a year. Going out to eat, family parties, going out with friends - again, I'm blessed. I even make good decisions - I skip the breads, I choose the salad over the cheeses, I even skipped all the desserts (yes, the cheesecake and the pumpkin pie) on Thanksgiving night.
But my problem has been serving sizes lately. Grazing. Having more than I should have, just because it's there. Hell, everything has been unorganized lately - my meals, my schedule, my life. But again, as I mentioned, I'll never complain about that.
I need more structure though. I need to plan out the meals ahead of time - make the good choices, and really focus on how much, not just 'what types of', food that goes into my system, and I have to follow it up with a PERFECT workout plan. I need to get back into old 'habits' that I've had in the past, and just do it.
So I started that today. Gary and I are going to start working out together, but he couldn't make it this morning. Didn't matter - in the past few months I would wake up with Erin, dick around, go to work and/or school and then hit the gym when I had time. I've been going pretty much daily, but it would alternate - some days I'd go to the gym in the morning, some days I'd go at night, some days I'd skip.
Today, I set the alarm early and was in the gym at 6am. By 7:30 I was headed towards class and work, and as of right now at noon, I've been 100%. Good cardio workout this morning, had a small bowl of oatmeal for breakfast, and am having a salad w/ tuna on top (small serving) for lunch. I have a Kashi meal-replacement bar waiting for me when hunger strikes around 3:00. I'll go home, get some stuff done, make dinner for Erin, and we're having chicken breasts and salads (I'll be making her a side of potatoes but I won't touch it).
That'll be my day. And then I'll wake up tomorrow, and get right back at it.
The 281.5 flat out sucks - but what am I going to do, bitch about it? I earned it, I'll accept it, and I'll change it. And then I'll do it again tomorrow.
My goal is to get out of the 270's by New Year's Eve. That means I have to make better choices more often. That means more days like today, and more structure. Here we go again.
I'm not sure what to say, except that you know what to do.
I think being at or near 270 by jan 1 is definitely doable.
Enjoyed the post Rob. What more can one say to you since you know all the things that need to be done?
Perhaps we should consider having some sort of challenge. I know we've all been down this road before but really one where we step it up a bit with some sort of real prize. I mean I think we all could use the motivation to stay on target through this season and finish off the year with smaller numbers... I mean we dont have to do some majorly large amount we could each do something like $5-10 to participate. I know you mentioned having a paypal account and we could get the money to you that way or something.
I think as a group many of us are lacking in motivation but I dont know anyone who doesnt get another level of spunk going when money is involved.
We could do Dec 1st - Dec 30th and determine the winner on December 31st. Im just trying to give us all a reason to make this next month count.
Anyway, you definitely mentioned some things worth being grateful for.
Planning and consistency are the keys that help me on my journey. Without planning we end up just eating whatever's available, and without consistency all the determination in the world goes for naught. The planning has been the most difficult change for me, as I used to just fly by the seat of my pants when it came to food (which is what got me heavy in the first place). I also think that's why the weekends are so much harder, because we don't have set times and schedules and meal portions like on the week days.
I love Marcol's suggestion! I'm all for it! (strange that I posted on my blog today about a Turbulence Training challenge that's happening, but I'd prefer a more "local" challenge between the bloggers!)
Alright Tuck. I hear you about holiday parties, but guess what: There are over a month of them left. You're going to have to take control at some point, and just man up. 269 by January one is very makeable, but you've got to take responsibility at these parties, and not let yourself eat what you know you shouldn't. Lord knows it's not easy, and I fell down myself at Monk's rehearsal dinner, but it's what has to happen. You'll get there bro, but you've GOT to use your head.
I'm down for a challenge. Or up for it. Whatever, I'm interested.
You definitely have much to be grateful for Rob. With my diet, I have thought a lot about the celebrations that come with this time of year. It's not always easy to stick out by eating differently, or to resist the tasty stuff and make good choices. I figure, making that sacrifice now gives me the much-appreciated sense of accomplishment that is more important. I'm not going to skip the celebrations, for the most part, I will enjoy the people & pass on the food. But this time next year, I will have the liberty of being able to be more relaxed about it. You have come so far, if you can make it through this holiday season, hopefully it will be the last one where you have to make such drastic choices.
Sounds like at least two others besides myself are interested in a challenge with money involved. I do have a paypal account if you dont want to go through the hassle of setting one up Rob.
Others just think about it, you can throw in $10 dollars and end up winning over $100...let alone the added motivation to get the pounds off.
We can discuss the rules and probably do body percentage loss and if we want we can do pics and see who's made the biggest transformation in a month. So much we can do with this but we NEED to do something...we've all come to far to fall off or stay off the wagon now. Lets get it together folks and here is a great opportunity to do so...
Who else is in?
You WILL be out of the 270's... But on which side, my friend? NOT the side you're on now!
Like Jim said, there's lots more "Eating Season" left. Gotta put your head down and get through it...
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