Friday, November 30, 2007

High School Quarterback

"You look great, you've lost so much weight!"

"Every time I see you, you seem even skinnier!"

"I can't believe you've lost all that weight!"

"How much have you lost - that's amazing!"

"Hey there, slim!"

I've heard it all lately - and that's not exactly something you can complain about.

But this is where my problem lies:

Last Day of November (today): 278
Last Day of October: 275.5
Last Day of September: 276.75
Last Day of August: 278.5
Last Day of July: 282.5

What does this tell me? It tells me that I'm doing a hell of a job at maintaining, and that I'm getting pretty good at it. It also tells me that I've been putting hard work in for 5 months and completely wasting my time. It tells me that every time someone tells me how "good I look" and "how far I've come", I'm resting on my laurels.

I'm the Al Bundy of weight loss.

For those of you who watched "Married With Children", Al Bundy was great at telling stories about how good of a football player he was in high school. He'd tell you about the great plays, the fantastic games, and all the success that he had.

Yet - since high school, he'd done nothing.

Since June, my weight loss goals have done nothing.

I'm down 100 pounds exactly today. From 378 to 278. Remember back 4-5 months ago when I was celebrating that same milestone?

I haven't gained it back, but I haven't lost. I'm still there, doing the doggy paddle, floating out in the middle of the lake, when I should be paddling as hard as I can.

I'm tired of average. I'm tired of watching my opportunities pass me by.

I'm tired of being Al Bundy. It changed in December. I'll get into the HOW in the next blog.

But hey, you've got to give me this - there's one thing we have in common - Al and I both married redheads with great legs. I guess being Al Bundy ain't so bad after all. ;)


kyle said... hes not so bad. In my uneducated view could this just be a plateau or maybe just your body getting used to the program that you've got it on?? That's what I've always read....that the body will adjust to what your doing, so one needs to change it up now and then to "re"shock it. Obviously that's not new or insightful, but I'm just trying to find reasons that you're weight could maintain for that period of time.

Maybe it's just time to refocus your efforts. Go back to the state of mind that helped you lose that first 100lbs. Lets make December an ass kicking pound losing month!

Rob Tucker said...

As much as I want to blame it on a plateau, it's a lack of CONSISTENT effort. I do great for a few days, have a bad day and erase everything that those few good days accomplished. It's a pattern that I'm going to break this month.

December is going to be big for me, I feel it.

Marcol said...

“Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore,”
- Andre Paul Guillaume Gide (1869-1951), a French writer and critic.

Rob its time you lose sight of the shore (your 100 lb benchmark of weight loss) and venture into new oceans where your body transformation potential is limitless aside from the genetic factors.

Consider this piece I read earlier as you embark upon December...
"People tend to limit themselves by settling for the norm - a limiting standard. Almost ritual for some, these patterns can keep a trainee from obtaining true success and satisfaction with their fitness endeavors. Striving for average frequently results in settling for failure; however reaching high, with great ambitions results in settling somewhere above average, perhaps within the realm of serious prominence. Youll never be great while simply aiming for good." My ex-GF told me her grandfather used to say, "shoot for the moon and you just might catch a star."

Clearly if you do what youve always done youll get what youve always gotten. That holds true for these past few months Rob. And we both know you want and deserve better, right?

Your body has adapted to the stimulus that you have/now provide it. Its time to step it up - work harder, eat cleaner and force your body to change yet again.

Strive to push your body into a new level of fitness by forcing an adaptation to occur through hard work, heavy resistance training & stellar nutrtion. Bring it Tuck and show us what youre workin' wit!

PS - Im not taking away from anything youve done...cause youve done a hell of a lot to lose 100 lbs but thats old news now. Whats next on your agenda?

Anonymous said...


Jay said...

haha, I used to love that show.

Peg: AAAAALLLLLL....Rub my tushie!
Al: Uh....No Peg!!!

you've been saying this for a while...what are you going to DO about it?

Melissa said...

I like this blog. And Im looking forward to reading your How in the next blog. You can do this Rob, and we are here to support/push you through it. I told you December is going to be the best month ever for FAT. I can feel it :)

Rebecca said...

Unfortunately, sometimes it takes a cold, hard slap in the face to really see reality. It sounds like looking at your numbers has done that for you. I am not sure though, whether you can really say you've 'worked hard' for 5 months. My recollection is a lot of struggle over the last few months, but I think the numbers show that you haven't been working as hard as you think you have. Perhaps that's part of the problem. I'm sure you will turn it around though.