Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Not Much To Report

Weigh In: 277.25

At least it's going back in the right direction. Hard to be happy about anything with a 7 in it, but it beats the pants off the 281 that I saw yesterday. Just have to keep doing what I did yesterday - good workout, good eating, small portions. Had eggs for breakfast this morning, and will have a salad with tuna for lunch and a smart dinner.

One thing of note, I suppose. My mom has been trying to get me to figure out what I want for Christmas (I'm such a pain with this - I'm always saying "I don't know"), so I went onto the New Balance website and picked out a pair of running shoes, and then I was interested in a pair of running pants and anything that helps with running.

Last year, it was all about the video games and movies and those types of things. This year it's about running and exercise.

What a difference a year makes.


Jim McCoy said...

There ya go, Tuck. I wanna do some running too. I'm going to find a running stroller, and when it gets warm out, I'm gonna be running everday. You get your stuff, I'll get mine, and come spring we'll so some running together on weekends. Glad to hear you got rid of a ton of weight overnight too, it may have just been some water weight or something if you took that much off in one day.

kyle said...

Thanks for the inspirational story Rob. That's what being part of FAT is all about for me. Seeing that other people are dealing with the same emotions and problems that I'm going thru. Knowing that in some way and in each of their own ways they've found a way to work thru the hard times. Sharing in their successes, and knowing that if I just dedicate myself the same way all of you have, I'll be in the same boat soon.

Geoff said...

Now that you mention it, I need a new pair of running shoes. Bummer, those things are expensive :-/

Ripx180 said...

fitness on the xmas list sounds like a great idea. I am gonna start adding some stuff right now. Glad to see that your weight is coming down.

Rebecca said...

I LOVE New Balance. I walked 20 miles in them for the walk for hunger a couple years ago, and had not a single blister, or foot pain, beyond the normal fatigue that comes from walking for 20 miles. Good choice! ;)

Glad your weights coming back down. I hope you never see the 280s again, and hopefully the 270s will soon be a thing of the past.