Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Trotting Towards Thanksgiving

Yesterday was a strong day with perfect eating and perfect exercise. I woke up this morning not wanting to work out since my muscles were sore as hell, but I knew that I wanted to stick to my guns, work out in the morning (hell, I have volleyball tonight, bonus) before work and get my groove going for the day.

Since I didn't want to lift weights and I knew it was going to be all cardio, I thought it would have been a waste of time to go to the gym. And with my rebirthday being on Thanksgiving, I thought it would be appropriate to warm up for the 5k Turkey Trot with a good brisk run this morning. I did a 5k this morning, and I felt pretty good about it. After about the 1 mile point I thought I was going to die, but all I could think about was "I'll be damned if I walk". After this entire year of working so hard to get to where I am today, there was no way in hell I was going to stop running.

And I didn't.

In fact, I had my best time ever. I'll do all the comparisons against last year on Thanksgiving because it'll be an 'official race time', but today I clocked myself at 30:52. That's amazing to me. I've been wanting to break thirty minutes but figured I had a long, long way to go to do that. To me, a 30 minute 5k is a huge milestone to break. It's like breaking 300 pounds. One of those miletones that I looked at as something that probably would never happen.

But breaking 300 DID happen. In fact, it's so far in the rear view mirror that it'll never happen again.

The 30 minute 5k will be mine. It may not be this week, but one day, I'll look back at the 30 minute 5k and wonder how I could ever have been so slow.

Oh, and by the way - 273 on the scale today. I know I've said this a million times, but the fire is starting to burn again. I can feel it.


Ripx180 said...

Glad to read the FAT fire is burning again Rob. I hear you on the 30 min 5k. Seems so close but yet so far. You will get it.

billy said...

Awesome to hear the glimmer of hope in your voice. That's the Rob we all remember...

Jim McCoy said...

Looking good Tuck. Keep it rolling. Oh, and let me know where we'll be meeting on Thursday for the run.

Anonymous said...

YAY ROB!!!!!

Marcol said...

On the cusp of breaking 30 in a 5k...sweet Rob, very sweet!

Kristen said...

Ok. For some reason, I thought you've already been running 5k in under 30. I was afraid I wasn't going to be able to keep up on Thursday...still might not be able to, of course.

You sound better today. Good for you.

Rebecca said...

Yay for the fire! And congrats on the 5K time - I'm sure you are going to tear this turkey trot up.