Sunday, December 2, 2007

The "HOW" In December

Weigh In: 277.5
Five Day Average: 276.81

In yesterday's post I mentioned that I wanted to talk about how December was going to be different than the past few months. Over the past 4 months, I've had these great posts about how "thing were going to change!", yet nothing changed. I've been all talk - and about half the action - and that's exactly why I'm the same weight as I was 4 months ago.

So here are the 2 rules for December.

1: Work out 6 days a week. This is what worked when I was losing the most weight. I actually plan on going 7 days a week, that's really what I was doing. The gym was as much of my day as waking up, showering, and going to work. It was part of my day, not something I did that was a 'big' deal. So, working out daily.

2: Realistic, perfect eating. I'm not going to pretend that I'm going to avoid all the holiday food. At family events, I'm going to enjoy it. I'm NOT going crazy - but if there's a bean dip, I'm going to have a few bites. I'll have the stuffing. I'll even probably have a few cheese and crackers. There'll be about 4 of these in the month of December, and I will enjoy them. That being said, that leaves the OTHER 151 meals (5 meals a day, 31 days) to be PERFECT. None of this "I did OK but I could have done better" crap. I mean - EATING PERFECT.

For example, today's menu was oatmeal for breakfast, 2 tuna fish sandwiches for lunch (a nod to Jim), and Chipolte's Salad bowl (pork, lettuce, black beans and green salsa - INTENTIONALLY passing on the chips, cheese and sour cream) for dinner.

I was starving all day today for some reason - it was one of those days where I was full, but my body just wanted me to eat and eat - so I did. I had 3 apples today - each cured a food craving. That's what I'm talking about - the right decision, EVERY time.

Quite simply, there can't be any excuses. I'm not going to justify eating 'a little bad' because I had a good workout. I'm not going to talk about eating right and then completely break it. I've got a plan - and in order to fight those 'uncontrollable' urges, I've learned that when that happens, I can't help it. I lose control. So, I fight fire with fire.

Got a crazy eating urge that won't go away. Feed it.

Apples. Carrots. Broccoli. Another apple. Hell, how about a third apple.

This is how December will be won.

And if that doesn't work - I asked Erin to get on my ass if she sees me even THINKING about slacking. And trust me - she's an Irish readhead. She's got *NO* problem scaring me.

And it works.

2008 or bust, my friends.

PS: Don't forget to register on the FAT forums, and if you want into Tuck's Big Challenge for December, post in this thread. This means you too - journal readers.

See you there!


Melissa said...

I can feel the drive in your blog. You are gong to KILL december :) I think thats the best approach...what worked for you before should surely work for you again. I do like that you are going to allow some leeway in things you eat. Keeping portion size in check of the foods that arent "clean persay", is a great way to not deprive yourself where it might cause you to over indulge later. It is the Holidays, so we do want to enjoy some of those foods.

My only question is what are you going to do if you do go off track?

Rob Tucker said...

Get back on track.

But as I feel right now, that's not an option. I'm going to be stubborn about this - whenever I give myself an "out" I take it.

No outs this time.

Jim McCoy said...

There ya go, Tuck. Rock it out. Now that you've got a plan to focus on, keep it going forward, and you're good to go.

Geoff said...

Good idea with the whole "not leaving any loopholes." That seems to be a bit of a problem with me as well. I eat well and workout hard all week, so I feel I deserve a bit of a break on Friday or Saturday, but that's just not how weight is lost.