Weigh In: 275.5
Not much to report in on, had a pretty good eating day and hit the gym. Had some friends over late, so it's almost 1am - WAY past my bedtime.
Really not much to say, a non-eventful day. I have another family party tomorrow night, but since the 'holidays' are over, I'm making myself eat right. This will be a test - ideal eating in a non-ideal eating environment. I'll be fine though, I've eaten poorly enough in the past week to last me a few months.
Just glad to see the weight slowly making its way down. Consistency, right?
Short one tonight, but I wanted to pop my head in. More tomorrow.
did you get your weigh-in right? is it 255? isnt 277-255 a whopping 22lbs weight loss? i have been at this for 6 months and I havent even lost nearly that much weight. even if its water retention- WOW!
You're a freakin' miracle with that two-day weight loss. What's your secret;)
LOL, whoops. I told you it was late last night. 275.5 :)
How was the party?
My eating has been right there with you. The holidays are almost over and we can get back into a regular schedule and put these last few weeks in the past.
So we didnt make it our most successful holiday season, but we did better than last year I bet.
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