Friday, March 21, 2008

Too Much

Weigh In: 274.8

The title sums it up. I woke up at the normal time but couldn't go to the gym this morning. I worked at 8am but because of Good Friday, I didn't get a chance to work out because the gym opened last this morning. So, I did 50 sit up and 50 push ups. Totally felt like I was blowing it off.

So, I was out of sync today. I snacked on some jelly beans today, which is out of character. Not a ton of them - but for some reason I grabbed some. I hardly ever do that anymore - I was just saying in the comments of my own blog last night that I don't get the urge to eat the crap we have laying aroudn at work - and here I go dipping into the jelly beans. Probably only about 20 of them (180 calories for 14), so it's not a killer. It's more the fact that I had them than the calories themselves.

Then we went to Max & Erma's for dinner. I had a Sante Fe salad which is one of the better options, but then I had 2 breadsticks at 210 calories each. And then I had 3 bites of Erin's spicy (fried) chicken sandwich. And a beer.

I do so well all day long usually, and then I end up having dinners that are too big. I'm not quite sure why - I geuss I could go into the whole "it's my culture, it's how I was brought up, it's just how I'm used to" eating too much thing - but the bottom line is, I need to change my mindset of dinner being a big feast. It's absolutely killing me. It's like I do SO well for 23.90 hours, and then in 10 minutes, I blow it.

So, it's all about the weekend. I'm at the exact same spot as I was this time last week. I need to figure out the whole dinner thing. I'm not sure what mentla block I have, but I have to break through. Why bother being perfect the rest of the day if I'm just going to blow it at night?


Anonymous said...

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Melissa said...

I do believe its "our culture", we have been raised and all our live made dinner a big meal. Its hard to change something we have been doing for so many years, but its defintely doable. I think going out to dinner is one of the hardest things as well, because the portion sizes are so large. Have you tried the whole ask for a carry out container and put half your meal in there before you even eat trick?

You know this is your weakness, so now you can handle it with a plan of attack. And dont beat yourself up over the jelly beans, that was some will power only eating 20. Most people can eat a bag of those in one sitting.

Anonymous said...

you eat large dinners because you go out to eat; larger portions. I tend to eat smaller meals when at home.