Sunday, May 4, 2008

In Like a Lion, Out Like a Lamb

After last night's poor decisions, I made up with some great ones today.

Gary and his new son Brennan got baptized today, and afterwards they had a party at their house. Fried foods all over the place: fried chicken, fried potatoes, french fries, cakes.. you name it, not a healthy choice in the house.

So, I didn't eat. I had a peanut butter/jelly rollup when I got home.

Went to dinner tonight.

Had broiled cod and green beans w/ diet Coke.

I have to get back into this mentality that I HAVE to sacrifice - and that it's the only way things are going to get done.

So I did well today.


billy said...

It's that sacrifice mindset that's the key.

Jason said...

Great job not eating any of that crap Rob. Keep your head up, you don't need to sprint to the finish line, just get there man.

Anonymous said...