Saturday, May 3, 2008

Slap Me

Weigh In: 275.6

Believe it or not, that above weigh in is the best I've seen since I last reported a weight about 2 weeks ago.

Not much to say again today - I probably should be more down on myself than I am. I had a great start to my day - a GREAT workout, healthy breakfast, healthy lunch, healthy snacks, and then we went to dinner - healthy salad.

Then, went to the bar and had nachos. Not a ton of them, but enough that I should be pissed at myself. Erin and I split one - and she gave me the glare when I ordered them, but as we were working them down, about 2/3 of the way, she put the napkin on the plate and had the waiter take them away. I also had a tall Sam Adams Summer Ale - not the greatest one Adams has ever made, but definitely a pretty good beer.

The problem isn't as much the nachos - it's the lackadaisical attitude I have about it. I feel no 'remorse' at all. THAT is where the problem is, and I know it. It's a mental game, and I can't say I'm LOSING it - it's that I'm not even showing up the field.

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