One thing that I've realized is, if I don't have intermediate goals, I'm too far away from the light at the tunnel to know if it's a train or the sun.
Let's just get it out there.
I gained 4 pounds since I weighed in last time. I knew it was coming, and yet it still makes me feel like a complete failure. If there's anything worse than gaining 4 pounds, it's gaining 4 pounds that you worked your ass off to lose in the first place.
But excuse time is over. I talked to Josh the Destroyer today, and we're getting together tomorrow morning at 9am. I was in the gym this morning and busted my tail. I ate stellar, and plan to get back on the horse and ride it home.
But as I said, I need smaller goals.
My main goal is still Fourth and... 95, but I'm turning 30 in three months, and I really.. REALLY want to get under 300 by that time. So, it's math time.
3 months until March 31st.
45 pounds to lose.
Easy math, it's 15 a month. Based on 4 weeks a month, that's just under 4 pounds a week. Give and take the other few days that I'm not accounting for, it's do-able. I am going to be stricter, stronger, and more precise. The one thing that I'm not doing that you've all been doing is being more exact with the workouts, so I'll be reading more Men's Health, getting together with Josh to talk about off-day workouts, and making sure that I do SOMETHING everyday.
So, my new 'mantra' is Under 300 by 30. I'll be keeping much closer track, starting today.
Billy, you were right. Anything worth fighting for is worth prioritizing.
My excuses are gone, and I'm motivated again.
We're still racing to the bottom, I just gave you guys a head start. See you at skinny.
Awesome of you to bounce back and be re-motivated :)
My Blog
Yikes...yeah, that's gotta be frustrating. Even though you knew it was coming, it's not easy to see it. Been there. Ok, so excuse time is over? Good.
Good goals, looking at the big 30. I missed that one...and I wasn't very happy about it.
It's gonna be tough...that's a pretty big goal. I know you can stick with it, and the first several weeks may show awesome results, but we tend to "level off" at some point. Don't get frustrated if that happens...then you just have to work even harder.
Definately have Josh help you make a plan for "off days" so you don't fall into that "vacation trap" that messed with you so bad.
Anyway, you're still here and you're not giving up, that's good. And we're still here, trying to help you not give up. Hope it's helping. You can do this Rob! And we'll do what we can to help you.
Also, sorry didn't get around to that New Year's Eve walk, but quite honestly, the weather sucked anyway. However, there is going to be one in May in Lansing for the Ronald McDonald House. I'm looking into it. Want the info??
Well, you've faced the music, that's the hardest part. Wanna know how I gained back almost 50 lbs after losing it the first time? I refused to look at the scale. Yup. For a couple years. Yup.
Nice work getting yourself back together.
I like your idea of having the intermediate goals, I think that's crucial.
In my opinion, though, I'm worried it's a little unrealistic of a goal. My goals are based on a 1.5 lb loss per week, and I've never lost more than 3. But if you promise not to become disenchanted if you don't quite make it, go for it. You will lose a lot of weight if you stick with it.
PS, is that spam up there? You really made the big time!
The big time I have reached.
Usually, I just delete spammers, but since this is "Fourth and 100's" first spammer, I'll keep it up.
I also clicked on his link and spammed his with MY link ;)
Rob -
I think "under 300 in 30" is a great goal - what a cool 30th birthday present to yourself that would be! Glad to hear you are "back on the wagon" again - believe me, I know how easy it is to fall off while on vacation, especially during the holidays.
Keep up the great work!
Stick with it mate - you're doing awesome! Try upping the cardio workouts as well as the weights, it will burn more fat :)
Ive lost 112lb in 7 months, you're on the right track!
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