5 Minute Cardio - Elypical Machine
Leg Extension, 140 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Leg Curl 130 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Chest Press 120 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Seated Row 140 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Shoulder Press 120 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Tricep Extension 70 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Biceps Curl 90 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Stabilizer Crunches - 50
I ran out of time in the gym today, as I drug my feet getting in. Today was a really tough day when it came to motivation. I woke up, made breakfast, watched TV, checked my email, tinkered around with a few things, and then I hustled to the gym. I did my workout, but only 2 sets. The good thing is, my weights are going up. My Leg Extentions and my Leg Curls have gone up 40 and 30 pounds respectively, and I feel much stronger. Plus, I feel my recovery times improving, and I'm not laying around like a wet sponge after my workouts now. So far, so good. I wish I would had more time, but that's my own fault. Also, I ran into Josh the Destroyer in the gym today, and had a good conversation with him and another guy, who you may learn more about later.
The weigh in is yet again the lowest yet, and it helps the average. My five day average is now 336.5, which means I'm going in the right direction. Of course, the blog doesn't get changed until Monday, but I've got 14 days to drop the 336.5 to 333 to keep with my "Under 300 by 30" January 31st goal, and we'll see how that goes. Either way, it's good to see the number falling.
A few other things of note: I worked out yesterday, had a pretty long day of work, and then went to play volleyball at the church. Now, I haven't done this in about 9 months, and even then I only played one hour. I used to play full seasons as of a few years ago, so I thought it would be fun to get back into it. One thing SHOCKED me:
I moved around that court like a gazelle. Sure, an overweight gazelle, but it felt good to really move. My stamina was MUCH stronger, and I felt pretty damn active. Instead of this huge, out-of-shape guy just standing on the court watching the ball go back and forth, I was able to sprint from one side of the court, get a volley, make a cut and get to the opposite side of the court MUCH quicker than before. Bottom line: I'm getting stronger. That gave me another small boost that's going to help us get to the finish line. Imagine what I'll be like when NEXT season starts.
One other strange thing. I had a dollar bill floating around in my car for the past few weeks, so today I decided to get a 'healthy drink' after my workout and before class. I chose Dole Grape Juice. It's Grape Juice, right? Pretty healthy, can't go wrong with that.
300 calories. 74 grams of carbohydrates. 68 grams of sugar.
Holy mother.
I've been trying to limit my carbs lately, and that was a shock to the system. As I said before, I'm not trying to do the Adkins thing, or any carb-limiting thing.. I just want to cut out the sugars and bad white carbs, and then I go diving into 68 grams of sugar. Granted, it's not a big deal, and if I'm going to load up the carbs and sugars, it might as well be right after the workout, but still. Damn. Just a heads up to those who are drinking juices because they're healthier than a Pepsi or Coke.
On the bright side, I've got 190% of my Vitamin C requirement for the day ;)
I can't believe the amount of sugar in most drinks. I love Green Tea (Lipton). I always buy the diet, but one time I didn't notice when I got home that I bought the regular. Way too much sugar, so I left it for guests.
The Diet Lipton Green Tea taste very sweet :)
Next season, you'll going to be a panther instead of a gazelle, it runs faster ;-)
I don't seem to get as strong as you. My weight only increase a little. You must be a force of nature ;-)
Also, regarding that grape juice, it's recommanded to always eat the fruits instead of drinking the juice. This way, you get have some fibers along the way.
Yeah, I've been done with juice for a while. It's water, tea and diet cokes for me. Which sucks, because I'm an OJ addict.
V-8 is the only juice I drink, although I know a lot of people can't stand it. Other than that, it's just water, green tea, and seltzer water. Seltzer's great once you get used to it, it's like drinking soda but without all the crap (and without all the suspicious gunk in diet soda)
I'll bet that grape juice helped you more than you think. Right after workouts your muscles are starved for carbohydrates, which is why recovery drinks have pure glucose in them.
Awww, I want to play volleyball! :( That's awesome that you were able to be active on the court! Small steps, man. You're going to be under 300 before you know it.
Great work and great results Rob - it really helps to get that positive scale feedback doesn't it? Nice to get a good "report card" that all the hard work is paying off.
Speaking from the perspective of the guy who played volleyball with you last night, "moved around the court like a gazalle" might be stretching it a bit - although I must admit you were pretty damn good and covered much more territory much quicker than before.
Keep up the great work... isn't your goal under 300 by March 31 (your birthday) instead of Jan 31? Maybe just a typo?
LOL, leave it to your father-in-law to call you out ;)
To my defense, I did say an "overweight Gazelle". The one that usually gets caught by the Cheetah.
To clarify the goal, to get under 300, I need to lose 15 a month, so my January goal is to break 330. Then, 315 in Feb. And then 299.999 in March. :)
Yeah I gotta love the "healthy drink" which has almost as much as calories as a meal replacement drink.
Ah gotta love volleyball, its good to be doing other things besides lifting and cardio.
Good job Big Rob, keep up volleball and anything else that keeps you moving. I'll be in the gym early tomorrow and get you stretched out. Your progress is amazing, keep it up. Damn juices, gotta be careful with them. And as far as healthy drinks go, the best post workout drink is chocolate skim milk, yes chocolate milk. Yeah, yeah some of you might think this trainer is crazy, but that doesn't come from me; it comes from a lil' school in the northeast called Harvard...you may have heard of it. If anyone wants the process of how it works, let me know, but i'll spare you for now. Keep up the good work everybody. much love.
Great job Rob, keep up the good work. I know what you mean about the fruit juice; I try to avoid juices and pop my any means...water or gatorade is my fave! Water all the time, gatorade if I need some additional energy.
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