I am at work now, thanking God that I have a desk job.
He beat the crap out of me today. Since I'm just starting back up, it felt like it was brand new again. He knew that, so like all great Warlords of the past, he found a weakness and exposed it, ultimately destroying it. The result?
I'm down 3 pounds from yesterday, almost 4. I'm not sure how or why, but I'm not going to ask the questions. The bottom line is, after going AWOL for almost two weeks, I'm within a pound of where I was. The moral of the story is.. it's not how often you get knocked down that counts, but how you stand back up. Feeling pretty good today.
So, we were talking about the "Under 300 by 30" campaign. It seems like a lot, but Josh the Destroyer thinks it's reasonable. That's 15 pounds a month, and it's a tall task. But, if I'm being honest with myself, if I even 'come close', that works too. To me, having an 'easy' goal makes no sense. The point in keeping it a long shot is, I challenge myself even harder, and do EVERYTHING that I can. 92 pounds seems so far away.. but 15 by February 1.. I can do this. And if I only get 12-14, that's a good problem to have, too.
So, there's 28 days left in the month. I've dropped 3 in January. I've got 12 more to go.
See you there.
Good to have you back, man. I was getting worried about you!
I was worried too. With every cookie that I ate, I was thinking about this blog. I go in cycles.. and I just wasn't happy with "off". Honestly, if it wasn't for you guys, I would have lost the battle.. again.
I read through these past few and I noticed the most important thing when trying to accomplish something like this. Your wife harassing you. You should cook her dinner or something for every time that she makes you go to the gym. Without her support this thing would be too easy to fall out of and let hang in the balance instead of acheiving your goals. I will be joining your quest of losing weight through the next four months but not quite on the large scale that you are attacking. I plan on trying to lose 20 pounds to drop to 205 while getting back to benching 310 and squatting 500+. BTW, you should fill us in on how your strength is going. Cuz an added benefit to trying to lose weight while lifting is that you will become stronger.
Uh oh, sounds like my wife logged into Steve's account.. ;)
I need to start paying more attention to the actual weight that I'm pushing. I just go in, put whatever is heavy up, and I go from there. Most of my weight training I do when Josh the Destroyer is there, so he's just handing me weight. I should start keeping track, good advice.
I take it you still havent figured out who I am.
Great to see you lost 3 pounds. Just keep it going. You have a great trainer, you have so many friends rooting for you, family aswell. If the tigers made the World Series, you can lose all them pounds.
My concern about losing weight at the rate of 4 lbs per week is that you'll probably be losing some muscle along with it. However, I keep forgetting that you have a bit more weight on your frame than I do, so I think that factor may allow you to be able to lose it faster.
For me, this is all about a long, sustained fat loss and an increase in muscle mass. I've already gained around 4 lbs of muscle. So it's not that my goals are "easy", it's that for me, -2 lbs of fat per week and +.5 lbs of muscle per week = -1.5 net per week.
Also, it makes me feel really good to be about 2 lbs ahead of my goals right now, rather than to be struggling to catch up, which might result in acts of desperation.
I also try not to put too much emphasis on the scale, but to put more on my photos, measurements, and body fat%.
Steve - Nope, no clue. Sorry :)
Billy - My motivation has always been that number on the scale. If anything, the 'loose pants', the 'feeling better' have always been dangerous for me, because once I start feeling better, I almost get content with myself and back off a bit. I've always been someone who needs the proverbial piece of cheese JUST outside of my grasp.
I'm a psychological mess, I know ;)
TCK - The Tigers were a miracle. Mine will be hard work ;)
No, WINNING the World Series would've been a miracle. Seriously, is it too much to ask??
Anyway, back on topic, GREAT to have you back, Rob! Glad to hear you're sore, too. Not because I enjoy hearing that you're in pain, but because that's an indication of getting your butt back in gear! :) Awesome job...just don't quit.
I like you Steve! :)
i bet he wishes he could figure it out. maybe i should start giving him clues to lead you to who i am. here is one. i am in college.
Do I know you from the internet, or from real life?
from the internet
Hrm.. that's a big place. I'll need more clues.
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