Tuesday, January 30, 2007

The Good News - I'm Fat

So, remember that blood work that I had done a few days ago? The doc called me this morning with my results, and here's what I've got:

Fasting Blood Sugar: 95
HGAIC (Diabetes Test): 5.7
Total Cholesterol: 178
Triglycerides: 179
LDL Cholesterol: 94
HDH Cholesterol: 48

From what the doc told me, my fasting blood sugar was good, and the HGIAC "good" range is between 4 and 6, so I'm on the high side of good, and that'll only get better as the weight comes down. "Good" Total Cholesterol should be below 200 (good!), and anything below 130 on the LDL is favorable. Also, the HDH should be ABOVE 40, and I hit that mark. The only one I'd really like to improve is the Triglycerides, which should ideally be lower than 150, but from I understand, that's weight related too.. so fixable.

So, as the title suggests.. the good news is, I'm fat. I don't have any other issues in terms of blood pressure (108/80, as reported a week or so ago), cholesterol, or these other issues that come up with overweight guys. Doc said that I'm "surprising healthy" for someone my size.

I'll take that as a compliment.

I was talking to my dad this morning, and we were talking about how I've gotten through the tough part, which is learning how to do this. I'm starting to see the *IMPORTANT* results, the blood pressure, the cholesterol, the clothes are fitting.. so it's easier to continue with something that you're seeing changes in. It's a pretty good feeling.

That being said, I haven't been to the gym today. I felt a bit lazy, so I came to work early to get some stuff done that has been sitting on my desk for a week. I get out of work at 6, and then it's to volleyball. And then, the gym.

Edit: The newest installment of "FatManDo" is now available.


billy said...

That's awesome. I almost feel like being fat in and of itself isn't all that unhealthy, it's the poor diet and lack of exercise that are. Once you do that, you can see, that even though you are still large, you're relatively healthy.

I've been meaning to get to the doc as well. I kind of wish I had my blood taken before I started so I could compare...

Nancy said...

Awesome news, Rob! This IS good news. Those couple numbers that could use a little improvement...it'll happen as more weight comes off.
You've hung in there, you've fought through rough spots, but you're still doing it, and that's what matters. You're seeing results from your commitment and there's nothing better than seeing results.
Now....you're feeling good...happy to hear you don't have "other" health issues, feeling good that the numbers are dropping. Sooooo...don't slip up now. I know how easy it is to say "ahh...things are looking good, I'm doing a great job. I think I'll skip the gym tonight, or I think I'll go ahead and have a Big Mac for dinner." And so on...and then before ya know it, you're back to where you were when this all started.
Keep going Rob...I don't want to recognize you at Brandon's wedding! :p

Anonymous said...

First, I want to comment on your running the other night (figured I'd do it here so you'd see it). Although I don't have much advice on the adams apple issue, I just wanted to say GREAT job on the run! Two miles is tough for anyone to do - especially in Michigan's winter air! So kudos to you on that.

Second, awesome news about the blood results. Nancy said it perfectly...don't slip back into your old ways because you're seeing desired results. That's completely how I used to be. We'll both be fine, though. Afterall, this is a lifestyle change...not just a diet. ;)

Rob Tucker said...

That's one of my biggest stumbling blocks.. finding something you're 'happy with', and coasting.

Not this time. Just like the newest FatManDo says today, I'm changing from the inside out this time.

Anonymous said...

As a trainer, and being more concerned with your health than you stunning good looks; your results are awesome. I can't wait to see what they are after 82 more lbs. are gone.

Whyves said...

Hey Rob,

This is pretty good! I'm supposed to get some blood taken as well. I did it a year ago and was slightly hight but nothing that exercises could not fix. The problem is that I didn't do anything about it until this year. Basically, I'll wait another month because it takes 2 months for the body to adapt.

Mark said...

I like the total cholestrol total. Looks good.