Nothing real exciting to write about today. Ate well, did some cardio, headed to bed.
I've been wanting to expand my workout, so tomorrow's gym will have a pretty heavy upper body workout. I want to start keeping track of my weight/reps, and see where I go from there. I'm not really sure what's right, so it'll be experiment time tomorrow. Should be fun.
Also.. when you do those real HARD workouts, do you feel sore for days? The muscle "Microfibers" are the part that 'tear', as Josh says, and that's what he says builds the muscle back up. It's Workout 101, I guess. He says that chocolate milk (low fat of course) is a great post-workout snack. I'm going to have to try that.. because I'm STILL feeling the workout with Josh from a few days ago
Sorry about a boring blog.. I'm tired, and not much to report on. More tomorrow!
no pain no gain...just kiddin. it gets easier the more you do it. keep up the great'll get there. will not fail at anything you work at. If you're determined, you will do it. Happens everyday
Yeah, usually the soreness is the worst when you just start pusing yourself. Now I find that I have a hard time achieving extreme soreness, I only get a little sore. I guess it's because your muscles get used to it.
Chocolate milk is a good postworkout snack, it provides protein and sugars that your muscles need after a workout. The drawback is that it contains fat and other stuff that slows down the assimilation of the sugar and protein (you want it to happen super fast). Better is a combination of whey protein, maltodextrin, and dextrose.
In my case, the soreness last about 2 days. It seems that it heals just in time for the next workout ;-)
If I go through a few workouts without having some level of soreness the next two days, it usually means that it's time to increase the weights.
Regarding your training, in the homework that you gave us a couple of days ago, the writer said that you should not try to improvise a workout routine and let experts design them for you. Maybe Josh can create one for you?
I've got a great idea about a way to burn some calories and spend some time with your boy. Call me, and we'll talk about it.
PS- the math on your blog is screwy- it says 9 down, 92 to go?
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