Wednesday, January 10, 2007

One Damn Good Reason

Not much to report until tomorrow morning after the gym, but I thought I'd share something with you guys that means a lot to me.

My wife looked at me today while I was slouching around on the couch tonight, and out of nowhere she says, "your belly looks smaller to me".

6 words.

To those of you who are married, when you get six simple words from your wife, it's usually "will you go do the dishes?" or "why is the toilet seat up?".

I know Erin reads the blog, so I wanted to mention this.

Everyone has motivation for their weight gains, and for their weight losses. Some people want to feel better. Some people want to look better. Some even just want to see their toes. We all have a reason for what we're doing, and some are obvious, and some aren't.

Maybe this is a good reason, and maybe it isn't, but my MAIN motivation, even if I haven't said this yet.. is for my wife. A few years ago during my vows, I promised to take care of her for the rest of my life. Losing this weight is an extension of those vows.

I plan on giving her a long term deal.

This weight is coming off, and I don't care how long it takes.

More to report tomorrow, but it was on my mind, and isn't that what a blog is for?


Anonymous said...

That is awesome that you are doing it for your wife and she is the one noticing :)

Anonymous said...

I'm almost crying!! Very sweet and Erin have an AMAZING love. :)

Kevin A. said...

I know what you mean, man. I have a wife and two girls under three. I need to be there for them.

Good post.

Steve said...

Thats amazing that you not only see it as doing it for yourself but also for her. Thats something I cant say I expected to read regarding weight loss.