Tuesday, January 23, 2007


Weigh In: 336

Short blog tonight, but more proof that the 5-day average works.

I'm frustrated, because after posting 3 "334" days in row, I've got 2 days in a row of "336". The numbers will drive you up a wall if you'll let it. The 'flip' is, the weigh in five days ago was a "336.5", so even though the last 2 days have been up, the average dipped by .2

Perhaps I'm looking a bit too far into the numbers, but I've got to admit, I love a challenge.

I went to the doctor today, and here's a sign of real life results.

I went to him about 12 months ago, and again 6 months ago (and other times in between). 12 months ago, I weighed in at 378, and my blood pressure was HORRIBLE. Something like 145 over 95 or something along those lines. He told me that if it was the same the next time we got together, I'd be going on blood pressure pills. 6 months ago, it was better, but not great.

Today, I'm proud to say, that my arteries are NOT going to explode.

I came in with a blood pressure count of 108/80 today. Damn near perfect.

Sometimes, when a doctor tells you that some of your bad choices can kill you, you listen. For me, 12 months ago, I did listen.. for a few months, and then I caved again to the addiction.

Not this time. This time, I defeat it.


Anonymous said...

Great to hear that your arteries are not going to explode.

I work in the cardiology type field so that is great news :)

billy said...

That's great news!

Sometimes we get so caught up with losing weight that we forget about our health. Even if we hit a plateau, it doesn't mean that our health isn't getting better every day.

Anonymous said...

Good job, Mr. Tucker. That's an incredible drop. Keep up the good work.