Worked all day at the house, and finally, around 7:42pm, I pulled up to the doors at Bally Total Fitness. Of course, it was then that I found out that they closed at 7:00pm. Ain't that a bitch. So, I was determined, so I went to the city community center, paid $8 for a day pass (an hour before they closed, mind you), and did my work out in a new facility that I've never been to.
So, you know when I'm paying EXTRA to work out, I'm getting my money's worth.
Long story made short, I KICKED my own ass. I threw weight around like there was no tomorrow. I focused on the arms and abs (abs is an every day thing for a 342 pounder), and I pushed until I couldn't any more. I maxed out. I did great.
The problem with taking it to the limit is, you get there. For those who know me, I've got a back problem. I attribute it to being a fat ass, but a few years back, I went to tie my shoe and I couldn't get back up for almost 2 months. Depending on the doctor, I pulled a muscle or a I slipped a disk. I went to a few different doctors, all of which gave me a different answer. My solution?
Don't be a fat ass.
Why am I telling you this? During my workout tonight, I felt it come back. Now, almost every day I get a little sore in the lower back, and the pain wraps around the leg to the boys, and it's pretty painful. It's a daily reminder on why losing this weight is so important. But tonight was a scare. I was going to town at the gym.. and I wasn't doing anything stupid. I was being smart about it, lifting right, balancing everything.. it's not like I was overexerting myself. The MAJOR pain almost snuck up on me. The kind that puts you on the shelf for 2 months.
I need to lose this weight. It's about being around for my wife, but days like this, it's about being able to walk. Scary day today.
On another note.. how do you guys workout, for those of you who do it at the gym? I feel like I should have a sheet of paper with a PLANNED workout, but I'd feel like a complete dope with my cheat sheet in front of me, telling me what do, what to lift, and how much to lift. It's probably a question for Josh the Destroyer, but I thought I'd get your opinions on it as well.
And Jim, just got your message at 11:00pm tonight. Didn't think the wife would like it very much if I called now, so I'll get with you hopefully tomorrow. If I forget (yes, I'm that guy), hit me up. I'm guessing you're talking about the Breast Cancer walk?
Hang in there! I to have some back problems but probably nothing like yours. I was once an entire week in bed so I can relate a little bit. Take care of yourself too. There are always some alternatives to an exercise that may hurt your injured back.
As for the gym, I workout mostly from home but at the gym I go to, it’s almost mandatory to do the exercises with your sheet. You mark the number of sets and reps as well as the weight. The fitness instructor reviews it after 2 months or so. He thus tracks your progress and changes your routine if need be.
Rob, you are awesome. I will give you workouts to do when you arent with my, its a slip on my part that i havent, and i apologize. and if its any consolation, i have a notebook with my workouts, and my clients in them, (i review right before i go into a session with a client). when i workout i almost always take mine with me. I'll get a fitness log together for you and have it for you next week. Its a really great idea to have a food/fitness journal to keep yourself honest. As a matter of fact, i want you to find a notebook and begin that as soon as you read this. I'll review it next time we meet. Much love and do work.
oh, and i can show you some stretches to help your back. your flexibility is more than likely the source of your ills.
Dude- way to go, that's how you do it. When something gets in your way, instead of giving up, you adapted and found a solution. Awesome.
I, too, have back problems. They had just been flaring up a bit recently when I started my new exercises for this 4-week cycle. And of course, those exercises include LOTS that involve the back: Deadlifts (squatting down and lifting a barbell by standing up) Cleans (ask josh), squats, Bent over rows (bending over at the waist and pulling a barbell up to your chest)...
I was worried my back would get worse, but I hung in there, and started by using embarrassingly light weights and focusing on achieving perfect form (keeping the back straight), and my back is feeing better. I also did hyperextensions (like situps for your back). Anyway, in the long run, I think it's these exercises that will help strengthen your back to resist future injury. JUST BE RIDICULOUSLY CAREFUL. Be careful doing all your exercises.
I always take my workout sheet to the gym- i don't feel embarrassed. Lots of people do it. I have my workout sheets posted on my blog so you can download and print them out, there are 2 with exercises on them and one blank one if you want to customize.
Good job on overcoming the obstacles :)
I bring my journal with me to my workouts mainly so that I can see what I lifted the previous workout. That way I can make adjustments to the weight I am using. It is a great way to see if you have been seeing any gains :)
Sweet. I'm proud, man. It's encouraging to read this, for sure. Keep pushing.
Josh the Destroyer-
Can you email me? I have a question for you. kevin(dot)antcliff(at)gmail(dot)com.
Rob, I'm glad to see you stuck with it, and did whatever you had to do to get in the gym. That is the sign of a man who is determined to win this one!
That said....I read about your back and I cringe!!! Be very, very careful to know what's wrong, because depending on what the problem is, one wrong move can make your life miserable, and can cause permanent damage. Working for several years with a group of the top spine doctors around, and become close friends with one in particular, I cannot stress how important it is to use extreme caution with any type of injury. You say that you never got a solid answer about the problem before. Did you have an MRI done?
I'm not trying to lecture, or say slow's just that I have ruptured a disc, and ignored it and it got worse. I wound up in the operating room, and the result has been pain, permanent damage and high risk of reinjury...not to mention what it did to my weight and physical shape.
I will stop's just back injuries are something I was forced to learn the hard way about and then spent years dealing with for myself and hundreds of others day after day. Please don't hesitate to hit me up if you have any questions.
I want you to succeed here...and I want you to stay strong through the whole thing!
Also, there's a 5k walk in Lansing for the Ronald McDonald House Jacob and I are thinking of doing in May. Interested?
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