Weigh In: 334
10 Minute Cardio - Elypical Machine
Leg Extension, 140 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Leg Curl 130 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Chest Press 140 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Seated Row 140 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Shoulder Press 120 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Tricep Extension 70 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Biceps Curl 90 pounds, 12 reps, 2 sets
Stabilizer Crunches, 50 reps, 2 sets (100 total)
Third day in a row weighing in at 334, so it's starting to look good for tomorrow's official weigh-in. I'd like to get down another pound tomorrow just to pad the average, but then again, I'd love to get down about 70 more, so it's all a matter of time.
To those of you who are starting to wear down, fade out, and lose momentum, think about where you were when you started this, and where you are now. If you're like me, you're pretty good at working out hard for a few months. You probably start to like what you see in terms of a 'little' improvement. Then, you probably fade off, as you start to be content.
In general, myself included, I'm starting to see that in us, as a Coalition. No one individual, but it seems like as a group, our "FIRE" isn't there the way it was 3, 4 weeks ago. And that's ok. But, I think we need to light that fire under our asses sometimes, and really, really push. I'll be the first to raise my hand, because it's where my mind has been lately.
Keep fighting, FAT Coalition. It's a long way to the top of this mountain, and we're all getting there together.
Ok, why the speech?
I just feel motivated today, more than I have the past few days. When I was on the Elyptical doing my 10 minute warm up, about the 5 minute mark the "Training Montage" from the Rocky movies hit my earphones. You know the one. When I think of the montage, which is in every Rocky movie, I think of Rocky IV, where he's training in the snow with the Russian guy keeping an eye on him. He's in that barn, doing those power situps, he's squatting the horse cart with Adrian and Pauly sitting in it. He's running knee-deep in snow up the mountain, losing the Russian car following him.
I closed my eyes, and the adrenaline kicked in. I visualized the scene in Rocky IV and it just took over.
I hauled ass. And I don't just mean I got faster. I was about 85-90RPM on the Elyptical for a good five minutes. Lucky for me, it's about a five minute song, and ended about 30 seconds before my 10 minutes were up. Those 30 seconds were tough.. as I was spent. According to the machine, I burned over 250 calories in 10 minutes, and I was sweating enough to fill up a cereal bowl.
So, it was only 5 minutes. It was one song.
No big deal, right?
If you feel like you're losing your drive, dig a little deeper. Look in the mirror and ask yourself, "do I really want to lose this weight?". What's it going to take?
Where do you get YOURS from?
Good post Rob.
I agree with you about the motivation thing. However here's my take on it:
I think what happens usually is that people go gung-ho at something (like weight loss) for a while, and eventually they start to lose steam. I think that losing steam is inevitable. I think the real key to success, therefore, is to accept that it's OK to lose steam, to start focusing on other things. As long as you are still exercising, eating well, and losing weight, it's OK.
Sure, maybe you won't be losing as quickly as if you were putting in 110% of your energy towards it all the time. But if you keep pushing yourself beyond maximum for too long, you might burn out, and end up elbow deep in a bag of Cheetos.
That's just how I see it. I think it's absolutely necessary to slip into a zone where eating healthy and exercising is something you do almost automatically, in the background. If we're going to do this for the rest of our lives, it's something we need to learn how to do.
That being said, ain't nuthin wrong with giving 110% when ya got it ;)
I agree, but what I've been seeing is a lot of "I cheated today", and "I didn't want to go to the gym today", and that includes myself.
If we all were like "I haven't posted, but I'm finding it easier to work out and eat right, and I'm feeling great about it", I don't think I would have posted.
There's a lull, and then there's a lag. I'd love to see us all hit that point where we're happy with how everything is going, but I'm seeing a general feeling of 'settling for something', and I know that's not what we want. I feel it in myself, and I'm fighting it, and I'm seeing it in others.
Just one FAT man looking out for the others :)
I am glad you are back into it :)
Just so you know, my motivation is still there. I didn't take Friday off intentionallly, I am still pissed that I couldn't get into the gym.
I love doing my 10 phase workout, I can't wait to see how the next phase will work :)
I thought it was a great motivational speech. Keep it up Rob!
Rob, this time is going to be it. This time is the time the weight is going to come off, this is the time the new year's resolution is going to ever end. As a trainer, i can't tell you how proud that makes me. as much as i would love to take credit for all my clients that do succeed, when it really comes down to it, its all them. i'm their as a guide, as a little extra push, as a living rocky montage when i can be. anyway, i'm very excited, everybody keep your heads up, burn cd or buy an ipod, hire a trainer, find a new healthy recipe, sign up for a race or some sport league and keep kicking ass. 7 is the year of completion, lets make this year it, the year it finally happened and was completed.
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