Bad news? Ok, here we go. Allow me to start off with a rant, "Random Ramblings" style for those of you who followed my previous blogging adventure. Ready? Here we go.
To those of you who work out in an actual gym, here's a few things that you should *NOT* do while working out in the gym.
1: Do multiple sets without getting up. There are others who are waiting patiently for the machines. If you see someone waiting, don't do your set, lean your sweaty ass over the machine, breathe hard.. stretch, take a drink, TALK TO A BUDDY, and wait 3-4 minutes until your next set. It defeats the purpose of your workout, it wastes my time, and it's plain old rude. Get your ass lifting, or get your ass lifting your well.. your ass out of the machine. You're not the only one in the gym.
2: Same thing on the ab machine. For the love of everything sacred, do not REST between sets.. especially for over 5 minutes, yawning. If you're yawning during your work out, just go home.. because you're not working hard enough. And just because you're sitting down on a bench while you're working out, it doesn't make the machine a park bench. Just like the guy in #1, MOVE YOUR ASS.
3: Wipe the seat off of your bench. There's nothing more disgusting than going to lie down face first on the leg curl bench than to be greeted with a nice puddle of man-sweat. It's disgusting. Bring a towel with you if you're going to sweat like a Klan member at the Million Man March. Be respectful to others.
Ok, onto other business. I'll get to my workout in a bit, but I've got two health concerns. First off, my back (I'm starting to think that it's sciatic nerve. Josh the Destroyer mentioned that as a possibility, and I've done research along with asking others, and I'm concerned that it might be way my back's been acting up lately. I've done my best to make sure to have PERFECT form, but when I move wrong, I feel like I'm about to go into seizure. The pain starts at the bottom of the back, wraps around the left leg and directly into the groin. For those of you taking score at home.. that just hurts. I think I'm going to schedule another doctor's appointment with the doc.. just to be safe.
Also, another health concern. After the gym we went to my cousin-in-law's 30th Surprise party. I was messing around with some of the kids putting wrestling moves on them (being big does have its advantages), and I tweaked my left ankle on the outside. I've been limping on it periodically tonight, and it's been pretty stiff. An ankle injury would be the *LAST* thing I would need, since I've really starting to take off now. I'll be nursing it tonight, and hopefully I wake up fine.. but cross your fingers for me. It's not really intense pain.. but it's enough to keep me hobbling on it, so let's see what happens.
Ok, one funny/embarassing thing to note:
So, here I am at the gym, after a great workout. I jump in the shower, and do what everyone else does. Shower, wrap the towel around the behemoth, walk out of the shower, dry off, walk to the blow dryers and dry the hair, walk to the scale, DROP THE TOWEL, and weigh in. Then, I step off the scale, pick up the towel and wrap it back around me, and then I turn around.
Whose about 10 feet behind me?
Hello, Pastor. How's your day?
Great guy, I see him at the gym often, but usually by the Elyptical. It's kind of odd walking around buck ass naked in front of the guy that gives you Communion. Just thought you guys would get a chuckle out of that.
Ok, so onto the workout:
Weigh In: 336.5 (lowest yet!)
10 Minute Cardio - Elypical Machine
Leg Extension, 110 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets*
Leg Curl 110 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets*
Chest Press 110 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets*
Seated Row 130 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets*
Shoulder Press 120 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
Tricep Extension 70 pounds, 12 reps, 3 sets
Biceps Curl 80/90 pounds (one set @ 80, 2 sets @ 90), 12 reps, 3 sets
Abdominal Crunch 110 pounds, 50 reps, 3 sets (150 total)
You'll see the weights starting to increase. The four that are starred will be increased at the next workout, as I was able to complete them with strong success.
The most important number there is the weigh-in. Another all-time low.
Yes, Billy.. I know, we're not allowed to concern ourselves with the single-day weigh-in, but since the higher weigh-ins kill me, I'll enjoy the low ones. It's nature's law that we worry about what we shouldn't worry about, and overdo the joys that we should temper. It's what we do ;)
The great news is, I officially weigh in and change the blog in 2 days (Monday). My last five days, in order, are 341.5, 341.0, 338.5, 339.5, 336.5. That means, as long as I can keep my pace, those two 340+'s are going to be off my record.
If the ankle holds up, we'll be there in no time.
Until next time.
Hang in there Rob and take care of those sore spots.
Congrats on the workout and weigh in. Hard work pays off, doesn't it. NOthing wrong with giving yourself a pat on the back.
I gave you a little guilt trip/incentive type thing on the last post just now, so I won't ramble about it again.
As for the whole encounter with your Pastor....ummm. Have fun at the next communion. What DO you say to him next time you see him? Hey, long time no see? How the heck are ya? Or just....sorry, man. Who knows....but you gave me a REALLY good laugh, and I thank you for that. I can use it for sure!
And watch that back....I'm a little OCD about back matters, so beware and tell me to shut the hell up. Can't help it. It's who I am.
You're right on all counts at the gym. Some people (like in life) think that everything belongs to them. It can be infuriating sometimes. This is one thing I don’t have to endure anymore by training mostly at home.
Take care of your ankle; it is better to take it easy now than to be sorry that we didn’t later on. Same thing for the back. Taking about the back, have you ever see a chiropractor. Not everybody thinks it worth it but I do. I have been seeing one for several years now and I can tell you that he helped me. The important think (very important) is to find a GOOD chiropractor. A bad one can actually do the opposite.
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