Weigh In: 330 (ugh)
Another day in the books. Not much to report today. I was dreading stepping on the scale today because of last night's meal, but I got a pretty predictable number. If you had to guess, chances are you'd all be right.
This number has to eventually go down, but we'll just keep working on it.
I don't have much to report today except that this has been a long week, and I'm ready for the weekend. I'm ready to be able to actually go to the gym, spend a few hours in there, and just get done what I need to get done. I haven't lifted in a few good days because of short gym time, but I've gotten some cardio in there.
Not a very motivating blog today, but I want to get something in EVERY day, so here she is.
One thing I noticed this morning.. after that meal last night, I felt kind of heavy. Not like 'fat', but more like concrete. I didn't want to move, and I didn't feel very active today. I wonder if that's purely a mental block.. something I assumed would happen so my brain did it, or if my body is reacting to the meal.
Either way, tomorrow's Friday, and it's heavy workout time. It's 300 or bust.
Until next time.
It got to go down, I think it worths validating Billy's list. That might help you break the barrier. As for the meal, I too feel like this after a big meal, it something I was used to before but not anymore. It's our stomach that's crying for help! We got to make sure we listen to it and stop when he says it's full. That's another rule to stay at a healthy weight. Great work anyway! You don't get discourage and that's a big part of the battle.
In our weight loss journey, not every day is a good day; not every week is a good week, not every month is a good month.
But, much like the average method, it's the overall trend that counts.
For every year spent dedicated to your health is a good one.
I dunno. I'm feeling yoda-like today.
I agree, Billy. And, every year spent dedicated to your health probably adds a year to your life as well!
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