Thursday, February 22, 2007

Taking a Mental Beating

Weigh In: Pending/Not Available
Calorie Count: 2286

For the last month, I've been trying to 'go with the flow' when it comes to my weigh-ins, and the fact that I've progressed a whopping 2-3 pounds this month. It's incredibly frustrating. But, I suck it up, keep going, and just do what I need to do. So I step on the scale today, and it reads 332.

Three hundred, thirty-freaking-two.

So, I stepped off the scale, and stepped up again. Same thing. A third time, same thing.

So, I stepped off the scale again, set it to zero, and I noticed something. If you are familiar with a doctor's scale with the little blocks that you slide, when you set it to zero, you're not really setting it at zero. When you move it all the way to the left, depending on the scale, the block can not reach any further than about 3 pounds. When I did this, the scale was balancing, if even saying less-than balanced.

The scale was un-calibrated, if that's a word. Instead of beating myself up over a stupid number, I'm going to skip the official weigh in today, because I don't know how much to subtract from the 332. I want to keep it as accurate as possible.

So, part of me is relieved, but there's a bigger part of me that this really set a fire under.

I've done great with my working out. I've been in the gym most days, challenging myself, and really doing what I've needed to do in the workout. On the other hand, one of things that I've found to be the most successful is my non-reliance on any sort of 'diet'. Eating right, and being smart about it was the line of thinking. If I'm being truly honest with myself, it's been sliding lately. Erin makes incredibly healthy dinners, so I've been slowly mixing the sour cream back on, the small amounts of cheese, the extra bowl of cereal, the extra fruit cup... and they're adding up.

So I'm going to start doing what I swore I wouldn't do. I'm going to count the calories. I hate it, and this is going to be the part that really sucks. But after January was such a success.. February, quite frankly, has tested my limits. If it wasn't for reporting into the blog, it would have been a cannonball right off the wagon. I'm getting frustrated, I'm tired, and honestly, I'm tired of the whole thing. I need to see results where it counts the most to me, and right or wrong, that's the scale.

This should be interesting. I think I'm going to start utilizing Fit Day again, which I haven't touched in months. If I'm going to get anywhere, I have to put the extra effort in.


Kevin A. said...

I think FitDay is a great idea. Use it for 3-4 weeks, and by that time, you'll have a very good idea of how many calories are in the things you eat most. You'll be able to go by portions, not calories.

I haven't used FitDay in a good month, but I know what I'm eating, so it's all good.

Hang in there.

billy said...

Yeah, that's exactly what happens. It sneaks up on you. The healthy snack here, the not-so-bad addition there. It can end up putting a few extra hundred calories a day back in your diet.

That's exactly what I did. Well, I didnt count calories or anything, but I started really paying attention. For me it was carbs that snuck in. Now I just really evaluate whether I really need to eat something, or If I'm being as healthy as possible, rather than thinking "Well, this isn't too bad".

Ya gotta set the bar higher and step up the effort. Kudos for being ready to play ball.

Whyves said...

Why do you hate it so much? Counting calories is not so bad. It actually helps you figure out the portions proper size. It really helped me. The size of the portions was a problem for me. I also suggest that you buy a cheap scale to help you out. It does make a difference.

Rob Tucker said...

I'm not sure why I hate it so much. I think it's because I relate it to 'dieting', which I relate to 'failure'.

It's strange, because for as much detail that I put into my workouts and everything else in my life, I absolutely hate recording calories. Mental, I think.

I'm doing it so far today though.. we'll see how long that goes.

Kevin A. said...

Think of it like the 5-day weigh-in: Keeping track of your caloric intake is nothing more that data collection. You need to know what foods hold what calories for you to effectively plan your eating habits.

No "diet" needed.

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the rest of the FAT Coalition, but I'm feeling the same way you are, Rob. You work hard and you reach that tired/frustration point and when you need results more than ever, they're not there. In fact, they're the lowest they've been in this whole transformation. I was starting to get comfortable where I am and have done what you're doing by not keeping track of my calories, adding a little butter here, a little more cheese there...and it's adding up.

You know what's working for me? Seeing pictures of myself. I got caught up in the hype of all the weight I was losing. I was seeing results and fitting into clothes, so I stopped being as passionate about where I want to ultimately be. Looking at myself objectively has really lit a fire under my ass and I'm more motivated than ever to get back up keep going. (Now...I just need to get over this damn cold!!)

Hang in there, Rob! You're doing great. It's just time to re-evaluate and re-adjust. It's a part of the lifestyle. ;)

Unknown said...

Hi. I just liked to your blog from (you posted the link in a thread...I wasn't logged on so I didn't post anything there). I wanted to say I really like your blog and I find it very motivational!
I have the opposite problem from you--I can eat healthily till the cows come home but I waffle about working out, even though I love going to the gym.
I think if you count calories for even a little while you start to notice your weak spots and triggers. At the very least it lets you identify where you've derailed (extra slice of pizza always gets me).
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob.....found you on CC so dropped by to check you out. I know what you mean about counting calories. It does make this healthy eating and living seem more like a diet, and yes, a recipe for failure. I try to think of it as educating myself. Ive been doing it since November and I still weigh most everything I eat when at home. You will find that the foods you eat often become routine and you know how much you should have. Its those little things like sour cream, sauces, coffee cream, added sugars that really creep up on you and those are the things you really must weigh and keep track of. Although they taste oh so yummy, they dont do much for your hunger or your health. Being a big eater I am finding myself thinking 100 calories is much better spent on a big serving of beans rather than a couple tablespoons of cheese sauce. Good luck and hang in there, you are worth it. tinav