Saturday, February 10, 2007

See Spot Run

Weigh In: 330

The workout was a bit different today. I was planning on doing an hour of cardio, so I thought I'd jump on the Elyptical and just give it a 60 minute dash. I felt strong about 30 minutes through, but after about 35, my body was spent. I know what my problem is. It's purely mental. See, before this Fourth and 100 thing, I used to work out solely by doing 30 minutes on the Elyptical, so that seems like the 'normal' thing to do. Once I get past 30 minutes, my body seems to be telling me "ok, we're done", and shuts itself down after 30. Purely mental, and it's a block I can't seem to get over.

So, if you can't beat it.. trick it.

I spent the next 25 minutes doing OTHER forms of cardio. I jumped on the treadmill and jogged for 6 minutes. I haven't been on an actual treadmill in years. It's amazing how much different it is. I took those 6 minutes and went at a pretty steady speed of 4.5mph. Not sure if that's fast or slow, but it seemed to be a pretty good jogging pack.

From there, I grabbed a set of jump ropes and did a few sets of 50. Lump that in with about 10 sets of 10-15 because my uncoordinated ass can't seem to get 50 in a row without slapping the back of my head with the jump rope, and my hour was up. I ended up doing my 50 ab crunches (with a 15 pound weight over my head and feet straight up.. not sure what to really call the actually crunch), and did some stretching and called it a day. Ended up with a 70 minute cardio workout, so I felt pretty good about it.

Just to note.. I've come in at 330 a few times now, and if things go right, the 332's are starting to be a distant memory. Not that they can't show their ugly face at any moment, but it may look good when it comes time for weigh-in on Monday. I may have just jinxed myself, but we'll see how that goes.

Until next time.

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