Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Treadmill or Roads?

Weigh In: 282.5

In terms of eating and working out, today was a perfect day. Of course, yesterday totally sucked, so the weight shot back up - again. I deal with it, because it's the results of my actions. That's over though, so I'm not going to address it anymore. It's the second season - sophomores don't talk about their rookie mistakes.

One thing I'm wondering - to those of you who run, which do you find easier, the treadmill or running on the roads? I really hate the treadmill, I'm not sure what it is. But, if I'm training for a half-marathon, I need to run whenever I get the chance. So, today I did 2 miles on the treadmill. Just seems so much harder than running on the road, at least for me.

Secondly, I'm hoping I'm not pushing my luck. There's this muscle on the side of my hip that just KILLS lately. Right front side of the hip, after I ran today I could hardly walk on it, had a nop during the first half of the day. It got better as the day went on, which means the muscle was less agitated. Any good recommendations for muscle inflammation other than Ibuprofen? The picture at the top seems to point out there area that hurts - looks like it could be the nerve - that would suck.

Anyway - another day in the books, and Opening Day for the second season went well. Ate right, did 2 miles on the treadmill and then lifted some.

One day at a time. How's everyone else doing? Hopefully you're able to rebound from the holidays.


Brian said...

what the heck are you eating that you've gained 15 pounds since december 19th?!
I really dont mean to come across like a know it all or a douchbag, but it seems every post i've read from you lately is you saying you've gained weight, you accept that, and you're moving on. I mean it's great that you ran two miles yesterday, but if you eat whatever you've been eating yet again it's going to be all for naught. I think you really need to look into controlling those urges if you're going to be successful in the long run.

As far as the treadmill, that's really weird. I'm the completel opposite. I find the treadmill to be much easier than running on the road and of a less strain on my body. However if you're having the same pain every time you run I think i'd consider taking a short break from it. Are you stretching? Are you stretching the correct muscles? You may want to look into that as well.

Hope I didn't come across in a bad way, I just feel like if I go back into your blog for the past few weeks or maybe months it's a collection of excuses for making bad decisions that you appear to be ok with. I want to see you succeed and I think you deserve it, but something seems amiss.

Rob Tucker said...

I just feel like if I go back into your blog for the past few weeks or maybe months it's a collection of excuses for making bad decisions that you appear to be ok with.

I don't want to come off like I'm "ok" with it. I fell off the wagon for the holidays and I don't think I deserve to come up with all these excuses and be all 'pissed off' at myself for it.

I think if I came onto this blog and starting talking about how much I'm disappointed with myself and how I can do better, blah blah blah - you've all heard that before.

To be honest, it's embarassing as hell, enough to the point where I considered just not telling you guys about it - avoiding my weigh in until I got it back under control.

I'm not OK with it, but I did it to myself, so whining or talking about "I'm going to do better!" isn't going to help. I totally F'ed the goat by not holding up to my standards while on vacation - and I'm really, really paying for it.

I just don't think you guys need to hear me whine about it. That doesn't do anyone any good.

And to answer the 'what did you eat' question, the answer is "Everything. Twice."

layla said...

running on the road gives you a better workout, apparently. you need to put the treadmill on incline to get a similar effect. its great that you're being honest about your less than stellar eating habits of late- you have to admit the hard truth before you work on it. Nutriion IS everything so don't waste all that hard work in the gym. find the drive and stick to it.

Ripx180 said...

Physically its easier for me to run on the treadmill. Mentally its easier to run out side (more things to look at and experience on the run). I generally bump up the incline a little to get a more road like run/resistance. The treadmill will be easier on your joints though. I know you are much taller than I but 280 is pretty heavy for running and probably pretty tuff on the body. I think I would do the treadmill or high school track where there is more give from the surface you are running on. Make sure your shoes are really good too. All kind of bad things can happen from shitty shoes.

As for eating you are a pioneer... you know what it takes and you know that diet is 90% of the battle at our stage. If you really want to loose the weight check the second helpings and shitty eating at the door. I know its harder said than done.... its been 2 months since I have posted a new low.... thats gotta change. Glad you had the balls to own up to the bad choices. Now get the F out of the 280s man!

billy said...

Yeah, man, what Brian said. I don't like coming to your blog and seeing higher weights. No, we don't want to hear you bitch about it. And no, we don't want to hear that you're ok with it. We want to stop seeing higher weights and start seeing lower weights, capish?

As for running, I personally don't think it's good for you, especially the larger of us. It's very high impact and can cause lots of problems. I've pretty much done without it altogether and still made great progress.

That being said, the treadmill should be lower impact.

Be careful with the hip man.

Rebecca said...

If you are in fact going to seriously train to run a half-marathon, you should check out some training plans online. is what i used to find a 10K training plan and it worked well for me, even though it was demanding. i will probably use his plan to train for my half-marathon in may.

i prefer running outside by far. the treadmill is boring to me, but like layla said, set it at an incline and you will get a comparable workout. as far as your hip goes, try some dynamic stretching before you work out. my hip used to bother me when i ran, and i started doing dynamic stretches beforehand, and i have very little pain now. plus there are hip stretches that you can do, and you might want to see if you need new sneakers - if you tend to lean while you run, you could be putting too much pressure on one side or the other.

Marcol said...

Hey Rob - long time since Ive been able to post. I began running outdoors and then switched to the treadmill. As far as which is technically easier, treadmill by far. You can never actually get the outdoor effect of hills, bumps etc on a treadmill no matter what level you set it at. As for preference, either works for me depending upon my mood and the outdoor elements.

From a cardiovascular standpoint you increase better through outdoor running due to the wind etc... also outdoors helps build more muscles because inclines outdoors arent static - they come and go.

Whatever you do, do your thing and youll be a happy man. If the hip is hurting try different warm-ups as Rebecca suggested. Static warm-ups are a no,no and lead to injury.

If you plan to do a half-marathon as its already been stated become an informed participant. Dont just go out and do it willy-nilly, thats an accident waiting to happen.

Whatever you decide, I wish you well every step of the way!